Emmett & the M&M McFlurry

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But then again, he hasn't exactly held up his end of the bargain. He'd agreed to work on his psychiatric exercises, to put forth effort in his recovery. So far there hadn't been much of a change if any.

"I didn't know the University of Miami had a soccer team."

Marion chuckled at that. "We're hoping you can change that for us."

Good answer.

"If I do agree to get lunch with you I'm not agreeing to anything, correct? Just lunch."

"Just lunch," he agreed. "Just a few moments of your time is all I'm requesting."

Well it's not like it can hurt anything, right?

"I'm free next Thursday, 1:00," I informed him.

He gave me his card, agreeing to meet me at the local Panera.

"It's just lunch," I mumbled to myself as I made my way to my car. "Nothing more."

I went over to Parker's frat house where Parker was lying on his bed, It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia playing on his Netflix.

Well I should say our Netflix because he really just uses mine.

"I heard you nailed Dan in the nuts during the pick-up today," Parker stated, his eyes never leaving the screen.

"It was a simple pass, not my fault he can't receive it."

Parker jut shook his head, an amused smirk on his face.

"So I got an offer today." I took a seat on the edge of his bed, glancing over at him.

He paused his show, turning to raise an eyebrow at me. "What kind of offer?"

"From the University of Miami, to come and play for them."

"And you obviously said no, right?"

I just shrugged, letting my gaze drop to the floor.

"Emmett, you obviously said no, right?"

"I agreed to meet him for lunch," I informed Parker, my gaze snapping back up to meet his.

"Why the fuck would you do that?"

"To hear what he has to say."

"We had a deal."

"You're right, we did. Seems like I'm the only one holding up my end here."

Parker cleared his throat, suddenly uncomfortable.

"Funny how things shift once the tables have turned," I commented, rolling my eyes.

"Funny how things shift once the tables have turned," I commented, rolling my eyes

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