Chapter 14

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"Four people killed by the mysterious 'Smile' killer. As always, no witnesses, no fingerprints, and no evidence. But this time was a little different.

The killer didn't realize that this house has security cameras. We caught this man on camera, but we weren't able to identify him. Police say that he has a smile cut into his mouth, and his eyelids are 'burnt off'. If anyone sees this man, get far away and call the police."

I turned the tv off and sat there, stunned. Jeff had actually let himself be seen on camera. What an idiot.

I went into the kitchen to make myself some breakfast. I pulled out eggs and bread and started making French toast. I had just finished cooking and pulled them onto the plate when someone knocked in the door.

"Jack, what the hell are you doing here? And why not just come through the window like always?"

"I wanted to be civilized. Is that so wrong?"

I tried to tell if he was serious or not, but I couldn't see his face.

"No, it's great. So what brings you here? Aren't you on Jeff's side?"

He laughed a bit at that, and I wondered what the hell was up. I invited him inside and he took a piece of my breakfast.

"I can make you some if you want. You don't always have to steal things from me."

He sat down at the table and started twirling his knife around. He took off his mask and ate the toast silently, so I joined him and we shared my breakfast.

"Want milk or something?" I asked.

"Got coffee? I haven't had any in forever," he murmured.

I smiled gingerly and he did the same. I stood up and turned on the coffee pot, trying not to stare. Jack looked like a normal person under that mask. I was quiet until the coffee was done, asking what he took in it.

"Lots of milk, lots of sugar. Please," he added.

I added it into his cup and sat it down in front of him.

"Why so friendly all of a sudden? You never take off your mask."

"I like you. You're not a total idiot, and you're not scared. But you can't tell anybody I showed you. Not even Jeff has seen my face."

"I won't, I promise. But why are you here?"

"Gabriel set you both up. Told you Jeff doesn't love you, right? Well he told Jeff he was getting close to you. Said that you pretty much hated him."

I rolled my eyes and sighed.

"What did he expect to get out of this?"

"I don't know, you maybe? Who knows what humans want."

We were silent, but it was comfortable rather than awkward. He finished his coffee and got up to pour himself more. After he sat back down he picked his mask up from the table and handed it to me.

"I wear it to hide from myself. I'm no longer what I used to be, so I hide it away. No one's see my face in a long time."

He seemed so sad about what he said, and I couldn't help but feel bad. His mask felt like clay, and I could tell the blue was painted on. The eyes were blacked out, impossible to see through.

"I guess you're blind?"

"Kinda. Most people don't know, they think I still have eyes."

"I never knew that," I admitted.

"Not many people do, sweetheart. It's not a widely known thing. But there is a reason I'm called Eyeless Jack."

Jack's POV

I got back to the house and Jeff was passed out in the couch. He was covered in blood, and would probably have a hangover in the morning. I went to the kitchen and got a couple of beers, then went back to Jeff. I threw the can at his head and he jerked awake.

"What the hell are you doing?" he shouted.

"That's yours, by the way. I have something you might want to know," I taunted.

"Leave me alone. Don't you have anything better to do?"

I sat in the chair across from him but he turned his back to me. I cracked open the beer and he did the same.

"Why are you laying there anyway?"

He slowly turned back towards me and sat up. He took a long drink and burped. I smirked out of habit and Jeff did the same.

"I'm a failure," he mumbled.


"I let myself be seen on camera. How could I have been so clumsy?"

He hung his head in his hand and drank his beer. This wasn't an uncommon thing for people like us, but Jeff was taking it hard.

"Don't worry, man. Slendy's done it dozens of times, it's no big deal. Don't take it so hard."

"You don't get it. I've gone so long without being seen. I've left no evidence at all, and a stupid camera gets me because of that girl. How could I let someone so mundane get to me like this?"

I sighed and took a drink.

"Jeff, Mandy doesn't hate you. Gabriel lied to both of you."

His eyes widened and I knew he was relieved. But then his face fell and he chugged his beer.

"What's wrong?"

"It doesn't matter. I distanced myself for a reason, and I'm not going back. I'll forget her eventually."

"Are you trying to punish yourself or something? Cause this isn't the way to do it."

"Just leave me alone."

He threw his can on the floor and turned his back to me again.

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