Corey Haim 2

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(I made the picture edit above or  to the side) 

Corey was a lot of things but  he wasn't an ass he wasn't a selfish jerk  he wasn't all the things some tabloids made him out to be

If you really knew Corey you would known he's  giving  and he cares  about he's family and friends and he trys he's hardest to be some kinda of superman

You thought you were lucky that you had met  him and you both felt the same connection that doesn't  always happen

But it did with you two

Right  now you were just in your room relaxing thinking about life
And how you were truly happy and in a good place just because you'd been working hard in school and helping around the house it actually made you feel good


You turned your head as you heard someone knocking on your window
You walked over as you saw it was Corey you answered

"Corey  why didn't you use the front door it's only 1pm"

You stated trying to understand why your boyfriend  didn't just use the front door beside climbing you window

You moved aside letting him in

He sighed  "then I wouldn't get any alone time with my girl we'd have to play monoply with your dad again" Corey rolled his eyes

As you laughed thinking about your over protective father

"My parents aren't even here its their   anviersery  so they went out of town"

Corey didn't reply to your last comment  he just jumped on your bed sighing

"What's wrong cor?" You asked
Sitting next to him you gave him your concerned look

"I got another movie I'm suppose to leave in a couple of weeks" he stated

You were confused on why he wasn't more excited Corey loved to act it was everything to him plus he was great at it

"Why aren't you happy babe isn't that good?"

He looked at you "yes but I hate the traveling were not shooting here in LA and I hate being away from you"

Your heart melted as you looked at corey 

"You know I love you right?"
You smiled

"I love you too y/n"

"Hey let's go out tonight celebrate  you new movie!" You suggested excitedly

"Year okay sounds like fun I'll pick you up at 7"

You smiled you gave corey  a peck on the cheek  as he walked out your door

80s ImaginesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ