benny (sandlot)

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Lately bennys been acting distant which isn't strange for him but I feel like some things off

I walk out to the sandlot to see maybe if that's were he ran off to the guys don't like me coming here to much well they don't mind me but they always give benny crap about it but their just kidding most of the time

I go through a whole in my fence to get back there quicker I see benny and the guys just sitting around

"Hey guys what's up" I say calmly

"Benny its your lost puppy" ham says in a rude way

"Oh she's here now" Kenny says

My feelings are definitely hurt I'm sensitive but I always stand up for myself but today I wasn't up for

Benny just shrugs it off he usually gets mad when the say something to me

since me and benny started dating last year in freshman year I've learned it's normal for him to not be vocal about he's feelings he's not the lovely dovey type

But he finds other ways to show how he feels which I can accept like he always stand up for me and I mean always even against ham

"Benny could i talk to you for a second" he sighs and gets up

"What is it now y/n"

I knew it was gonna happen I had been having a bad week already with Benny ignoring me and some family problems before i knew it I was crying and I never cry I usually keep my head tall

"Oh shit" I heard Benny say

He grabbed my arm tying to get me to stop covering my face but I just cried harder

"Oh geez benny you girlfriend cry nice goin" I heard ham yell

Benny sighed again as I stopped crying

"hey hey I'm sorry please stop crying I didn't mean to upset you"
Benny spoke in a soft voice which he almost never does unless he is really in the wrong i wiped my face as I looked at him

" sorry ive been having a bad week which you ignoring me didn't help"

"I'm sorry I just thought I needed to focus more on baseball and the guys were giving me a lot a crap about us and i-"

I cut him off

"And you were having doubts about us"
Now I was mad

"Benny how could you do remember when we first started dating you said you'd never let outside opinions affect what we have"

He frowned "I'm sorry I was stupid look I don't want to lose you I still care about you , I still care about us"
He looked genuinely sorry

So I gave in

"Fine your forgiven"

He smiled then he leaned in for a kiss a quick one because his friends were probably watching

"I've got to go Benny but come by later okay?"

He smiles

As I almost walk away he grabs my arm and whispers in my ear

"I love you, you know?"
I blush give him a kiss on the cheek and say "you too benny"

I walked away with burning cheeks

(OKAY THIS IS HELLA CRAPPY I SUCCCC AT WRITTING BUT I TRY sorry I haven't updated in so long but I'm going for an all nighter hopefully I'll have up at least 3 more by tmrw

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