corey haim #1

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You had been best friends with corey for a while now you guys did everything togther which you loved but you had to admit you started to devolop feelings for him because who wouldn't corey was so giving and he was always happy he'd give you the shirt off his back if you needed it and constantly corey was always on your mind

Right now you were on your way to gym a class you had with corey
You were nervous you've been thinking about telling him you liked him you had already told you two close girl friends Y/bf/n and y/bff/n you walk into the girls changing. Room and put your stuff away in your gym locker then begin to change

You noticed your the last one so you close your locker and hurry into the gym

Once you get I you take a seat on the bleachers next to y/bff/n
You look around and ask her were you other friend y/bf/n she looks nervous and says "I'm sorry y/n" and she points to your other friend but she flirting with corey her leg is on his lap and she touching his hair

You can't believe she would do this to you,you were very clear that you liked corey what type of friend would do that?

And if she did like him to she could have been mature enough to tell you you guys are 16/17 not 5 you decide to go talk to her

You get up and hop down to the bottom of the bleachers stopping next to her and corey

You smile "hey corey" he smiles back "hey y/n" you love your attention back to her and say "can I talk to you please y/f/n"

She nod and gets up you move a little bit away and begun to talk "Why are you flirting with corey You know I liked him if you liked him to you could of told me" You spoke calmly she smirked

"Sorry y/n he's just to cute plus it's not like you gave a chance"
she pushed you

You can't belive she just laid her hand on you so you pushed her back and then it became a instant fight you saw people began to crowd but you kept fighting and you were winning

Until two guys pulled you apart you felt someone lift you up and pull you away but you and her kept yelling stuff at eachother

"Your so petty y/not just get it you lost and I won you bitch " she spoke and you laughed

"I just kicked your ass you slut I can't belive you I thought we were friends" you finally were pulled although to the other side you weren't sure who was caring you until you were set down in front of corey

"WOAH y/n calm down I'm sure whatever she did isn't worth getting expelled your lucky coach went to the office"

If only he knew how much you cared about him but the reason you fought her wasn't only because of him she betrayed your trust and she hit you first

"I cant belive her how could she do that to me she knew I liked you what's her issue anyway I thought we were friends she was acting all mean and stuff I mean seriously she could've just told me in a mature manner instead going all bitch pshyco thinking I wouldn't fight back" you huffed put so angry you weren't aware you had just told corey You liked him

Corey had a smirk on his face which was cute but it annoyed you

"What"? You said annoyed

"You said you like me" You felt the hot blush creep up your neck

"no I didnt" you said slowly

He mailed "Holy shit you fought her cause you were jealous that's so hot" he bit his lip

Which made you blush more and before you new it he was leaning in to kiss you but it was interupted by coaches whistle

"what going on here I leave for 6 seconds and you are all over the place everyone sit down .

You rush back to your sit but not before corey whispers to meet him after class
And you smile to yourself maybe today wasn't so bad ?

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