Say Anything

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Say anything

Anything at all

Say something

Just so I know you're there


Make yourself known

Say anything

Are you still with me?

I need you

Without you I'm hopeless

Please I know it hasn't been that long

But it feels like forever

Say anything

Are you still here?

But now I'm sobbing

At the thought of you

Please won't you say something love?

Make it all better

Say anything

Are you ever coming back?

I can't do this alone

Comfort me, won't you?


I'm begging you

See, if you saw me, I'm sitting here all alone. It's late, it's dark, and everyone has left me. I'm sobbing my eyes out just thinking how little we've talked today, heck we didn't talk at all. Where have you been because, I know it may sound silly, but I'm missing you. Please, please come back to me. Come and dry my welling up eyes and hold me in your arms. That's all I ask of you. Baby, you don't even know.

From The Bottom Of My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now