Chapter Four

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Authors note : bomb ^. Btw, it's a short chapter. Sorry if there's any mistakes ! But I will try to update soon !
I couldn't move. Shock had just filled my body. Thanks to the shock, I was unable to move, my eyes practically bulged from my sockets and my mouth was left wide open.

What the fudge. I can't believe this boy. He actually  had the nerve to reject me. Ugh. I'm going to show him who's boss next time. But, this was definitely a first.

Thankfully, I was soon released from this shock due to someone patting my back.

"Well, we all expected this to happen" Jenny giggled, as she continued to pat my back for comfort. I turn around to face Jenny and grab ahold of her shoulders.

"Expected it? How could you possibly expect it?" I asked. Now I was just really confused. How could a cute, little kitten , like him , turn into some sexy beast in a matter of seconds. (Get you a man who can do both). But I have to hand it to him, he is very attractive. I guess you can't really judge a book by its cover.

"Noah is one cocky bastard. But that bastard is very reserved to himself. For as long as I've known him, he has always been by himself. So it's really no surprise he would walk away from you" The purple haired girl explained.

Alone? Someone like him? No way. I don't believe-

I'm suddenly interrupted of my thoughts by a loud shout coming from across the cafeteria. Oh boy.

"Hey guys! What're you doing standin' there? Come back over here! My lap is still waiting for you, Sam! Don't worry , my lap is reserved for you tomorrow , Jenny !"

Ethan is waving his hands frantically like a mad man, with a wide smirk on his face. My eyes grew wide at the sight. What a loud guy.

Jenny had a totally different reaction. She had gotten embarrassed and mad.

"Shut up you pervert !" She hollers back at him.

Soon enough, the whole cafeteria breaks out into laughter.

Poor Ethan put his head down in shame. It was very noticeable how embarrassed he was , due to his bright, red cheeks. He actually looked innocent for once.

"I'm taking no bull from that boy" Jenny mumbles under her breath.

I giggled at the sight of my new friends playing around. Oh how lucky I am to have met them. It hasn't been a full day, and I already enjoy being with them.

"C'mon Jenny. Let's head back now. I wanna see Ethan's face up close" I say. I grabbed her hand and lead her back to our table.

Blair and Ryan were in the middle of teasing poor Ethan, when we got to the table. Ethan kept his head down, while quietly cussing.

That's when I decided to cut in. "Guys! Enough with the teasing. That's enough for him"

Blair and Ryan soon got quiet and they all looked at me, including Ethan. It was as if they were waiting for me to say something else.

But that was until Ethan decided to break the silence dramatically.

"Sam, baby, you rescued me from these horrible creatures. They were tormenting me so much, I thought I was gonna die !"

"Who are you calling a horrible creature , you pervert ?!" Blair and Ryan, say in perfect unison.

Jenny and I begin to laugh uncontrollably at the weird comedy act in front of us.

"Hey, so I'm guessing Noah rejected you ?" Blair suddenly asks.

As soon as the table settled down, we began our conversation. I told everyone what happened between Noah and I, which was not very much. At the end, everybody's faces seemed bored. I'm guessing they all, secretly, knew the outcome of me trying to become Noah's friend.

"Yeah, kind of expected it" Blair yawns while she leans further into her chair.

"But it bothers me how he has no friends. Zero. How could someone like him, have no friends?" I ask. It makes no sense at all.

Everyone in the table looked at one another, as if they knew the answer to it, but didn't want to say anything.

"Well is anyone going to answer" I ask. I leaned forward , on the table , expecting to hear an answer. But except, I never did. No one spoke up.

"That's for you to find out , hun" Jenny says, breaking the silence. "It isn't our place to tell you his business. You have to find out for yourself , if you're really that curious"

Find out? Of course I'll do it. It's the first time someone didn't want to interact with me, not including the people I don't like.

After coming to a conclusion , I stood up on top of my chair and pointed at myself.

"Attention everyone !" I yelled excitingly. Soon, everybody's eyes were on me. A wild grin appeared on my face as I looked at everyone's puzzled reaction.

"What is she doing?" I managed to hear Ryan whisper to Blair. I just ignored them.

"I have decided that I will be Noah's first friend ! Everyone , I am about to make history !" With that, I hopped off the brown cafeteria chair , grabbed my stuff and skipped out of the cafeteria and into the hallway. I didn't bother to even see the reaction of my friends or all the others.

My grin grew even wider at the thought of becoming Noah's first friend. He won't walk away from me when I talk to him again. I can promise that.

Oh my. I probably look really creepy with this wide smile

As I continued to skip down the hallway, minding my own business, I somehow crashed into someone. We were both thrown to the floor, due to the impact.

Why does this always happen?

"Hey, watch where you- It's you !" The person, I crashed into, exclaimed.

I look up, and I make eye contact with the last person I wanted to encounter.

Geez, I have no luck today.

Sorry for year long wait ! I'm hoping to update more often from now one. So hopefully , you'll be able to read another chapter !

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