Titans on the Battlefield

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Captain Sisko looked out into the emptiness of space from his administration office at Starbase 375 as if searching for answers to the most pressing dilemma ever to face the Alpha Quadrant. The minefield keeping hundreds of Dominion ships in the Gamma Quadrant was about to come down. However, those ships were only part of the problem. If the minefield was deactivated, the Dominion could receive constant reinforcements. It would drastically change how the war had been progressing up to this point. Jem'Hadar foot soldiers of the Dominion would overrun the defenses of Starfleet with superior numbers within a matter of months, perhaps weeks. This was not something the captain found acceptable. As he pondered the battle to come, Sisko decided that those ships had to be stopped by any means necessary.

Deep Space Nine was the station resting in front of the wormhole. It was once controlled by the Federation of Planets while working with the Bajorans. It was from there that the ingenious cloaked, self-replicating mines were developed and deployed. In an effort to stop Sisko from mining the entrance on the Alpha Quadrant side, the Dominion attacked the station with their new allies, the Cardassians. Without assistance from Starfleet, Captain Sisko commanded the station during the battle while the USS Defiant mined the wormhole. After the mines were deployed, a retreat was ordered from Deep Space Nine.

Now, the Dominion controlled the station and have been working for months to disable the minefield. According to a message delivered to Sisko, the Dominion was about ready to disable the only protection the Alpha Quadrant had against an overwhelming number of ships. It was at that time Operation Return had to go into effect if there was any chance to win the war.

Captain Sisko knew the odds were not in Starfleet's favor. The combined force of the Dominion and Cardassian ships was going to be an incredible obstacle to face. The initial plan was to include the Klingons to help balance the battlefield. Unfortunately, the warrior race was hesitant to commit forces to such a large engagement on behalf of Starfleet. Sisko sent Commander Worf and General Martok to speak with the Klingon High Council in the hopes of swaying their favor. However, the situation looked bleak and it was difficult to stay positive. If the Klingons still refused to join the fight, the Dominion could very well take over the Alpha Quadrant.

Sisko rubbed his eyes still trying to gain some clarity among the blanket of stars through the portal. So many star systems relied on whether or not Starfleet would be successful in this attack.

"Still no word from Commander Worf?" a familiar voice asked from behind the captain.
"No." Sisko replied turning to face Admiral Ross.
"It's not too late, Ben. We don't have to commit to such a large undertaking." Ross said walking into the office.
"You and I both know that isn't true. If that minefield comes down, everyone in the Alpha Quadrant will regret it."
"In that case, the fleet is ready. Good hunting." the admiral replied holding out his hand. Benjamin Sisko reached out to shake the hand of his superior officer. This could be the last time he sees this man.
"Thank you, Admiral."

Captain Sisko assumed command of the USS Defiant. It was staffed with those he trusted most and worked closely with over the past six years. It was his crew, and this was his ship. The massive fleet of Federation ships began to pull away from Starbase 375. It was a combination of virtually every vessel Starfleet could muster. Some of the admirals had reservations about committing such a large force as it would leave key points of the Federation unprotected. Captain Sisko was hoping the Dominion would pull an equal number of ships off the front lines to address this new threat of his. This would reduce the risks to other systems as the Dominion was running out of vessels as well. Besides, Deep Space Nine was the key to protecting the Alpha Quadrant. Either side needed to hold onto the station in order to gain the upper hand. This was the moment that would determine who would retain control of the Alpha Quadrant. Sisko signaled the fleet and all of the ships jumped into warp heading towards Deep Space Nine.

It wasn't long until the fleet of Federation ships had to drop out of warp. A short distance ahead, Dominion ships barricaded the path to the space station. Sisko ordered the Federation ships to slow and assume attack formations. Sensors relayed that Starfleet was outnumbered two-to-one. Without the Klingon fleet, the odds of successfully punching through the barricade were minimal. Even with upgraded shields and weapons, Starfleet still had a hard time beating Dominion ships. However, the Federation fleet was filled with combat veterans who saw action during the Cardassian war many years earlier as well as recent engagements against the Dominion. It would be a battle of experience versus technology and numbers.

Both fleets of ships stood at the ready. Weapons were locked on opposing sides awaiting the initial strike. The sheer number of vessels on either side meant this battle was going to be a very destructive and costly one. Whomever was victorious during this engagement would have a firm grasp of the Alpha Quadrant. Captain Sisko glanced around the bridge of the Defiant. His crew were ready for his command. His plan was to attack the Cardassians within the center of the line in order to get them to break formation. The Dominion ships would stand their ground, but the Cardassians may get angry enough to chase the attacking ships. If those ships moved out of the way, it would open a hole in the center large enough for the Federation fleet to slip through. In the back of his mind, Sisko had hoped the Klingons would have joined by now. Unfortunately, Starfleet was on its own. 

Among the pilots of the Peregrine class fighters was a young Commander named John Harper. He was part of the task force that would spearhead the initial assault against the Cardassians. John was given command of his Peregrine shortly after achieving the rank of Lieutenant and has been assigned to various fleets during the war with the Dominion. Sitting next to him was Ensign Elizabeth Maybourn, fresh out of the academy. He could tell that she was fighting off a great deal of fear. After all, a Peregrine class ship doesn't have the safety and security of a Galaxy class. In comparison, this little ship was quite fragile.

"Relax, Ensign. Focus on your job and let me worry about the rest." he assured her as he moved the ship into position.
"I'm trying, sir." she responded with a crack in her voice. Maybourn was an extremely young woman who went through the academy with high marks in virtually every subject. No matter how much training a person receives or how well they perform in simulators, nothing can prepare him or her for the real thing.
"I haven't lost this ship yet, and I don't intend to do so today. Take a deep breath and focus on your panels. Keep the ship together and I'll get us out of here." He looked deep into her eyes. Elizabeth felt a sensation of comfort when looking at the Commander. She instantly trusted him and knew he would do everything possible to get her home.

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