fallowed me?

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(A/N) the out fit on when you got home.👆

When you got home you changed and decided to finish your home work for school. You were pretty shaken up about hunters being in your school. 'If they expect me as the murder then I need to skip town.' You thought you finished your home work just in time for the door bell to ring. 'Hmm.' You wondered. You opened the door to see both of the of the agents from school. "Yes may I help you" you asked shakely. " Yes I would like you to answer a few questions if you don't mind " Dean said with a smile on his dace that had something hidden behind it. " please come in side and have a seat." You stumbled over your words a bit but got it out in time. Dean came in first then Sam.

"What was your relationship with Mr. Dru" Sam asked. You thought for a moment "Umm a teacher student relationship... Are you guy thirsty? I could get you some thing." You asked "Yes please" Sam answered so you got up and went to the kitchen and poured some water Into the glasses. You placed them down in front of them and answered some more question be they left. You shook Sam's hand and then deans but it was wet with holy water. Want to know why you knew it was holy water because it stung like a bitch but held it in. You do not smoke when holy water hits you it just stings. You smiled at them and they smiled back. Before they left you asked them something "Um one question how did you know were I lived?" Sam chuckled " We umm fallowed you"you said nervously. "Oh" was all you could say.

Once they left you got a text message from a friend witch red

Monarch:hey meat the team at the wearhouse OK?

(Y/N/N): OK what time?

Monarch:at six🕕


It was 5:40 now so you got your keys and headed out little did you know you were being fallowed

(A/N) hoped you liked it BTW (Y/N/N) means your nick name😉

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