III. You Do Look Really Good

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(A/N- Chapter 3, lovelies!  It's a shorter one.  I do really try to have my chapters at least five pages, but sometimes there are certain points of a story that it just makes sense to stop and create a new chapter.  Also, this story will be in both Niall and Harry's points of view.  Mostly Niall's but when I switch between them I will make you all aware!!  I tried to make this all in third person, but I just am not happy with the way I write in third.  Anyway, Enjoy!!  The next chapter will be up either tomorrow or Sunday!  xx  )


I arrived at the record store for my shift on Saturday morning.  I really wasn’t happy about having to work on the weekends, but when you work retail, it is a requisite.  Luckily since I agreed to work every Saturday, I would always have Sundays off. 

I envied Liam and Louis.  Both only having to work Monday through Friday so they were able to sleep in, while I was up at half six to ensure I opened the store by eight.

The morning was relatively slow and I kept myself busy by reorganizing the albums.  I thought about last night and the pretty good reception that I received while performing.  It was one of the best nights I have had in a long time.  Of course there had to be a bit of a rain cloud; that rain cloud was in the form of Harry and Zayn.

As soon as the boys and I got home, they looked at me again for an explanation and I caved and told my best friends all about my high school.  I told them that I never spoke, I kept to myself, I didn’t have any friends and that I was constantly called names like freak or weird guy and of course the one name that Harry and Zayn came up with, No Style Niall.

They asked what prompted me to come out of my shell at university.  I told them about the way I felt at my graduation and that I wouldn’t allow myself to stay in my own bubble and I would show people my personality; the personality that only my family saw.

After my narration of my high school life, they finally understood my slight change in attitude when Harry and Zayn joined us at our table.  I told them of the encounter at the record store and that they hadn’t recognized me and I also told them the account of what Zayn said to me back stage.

Liam, always the voice of reason, suggested that maybe they had changed and had grown out of their childish ways and were trying to make amends.  He also said that maybe Zayn called me No Style Niall again because he was shocked to say the least at the ‘new Niall’.  I agreed with Liam and thought maybe but also doesn’t it just prove how shallow they are, or were, maybe still are. 

Louis and Liam both confessed to having opinions of certain people in their high schools and may have stupidly voiced those opinions too.  I guess if Liam and Louis grew up then maybe they did too.  But I certainly would still have my guard up if in fact I ever saw them again and just as I thought that, who should walk in.

“Hey Niall” He said and I looked up to see him shyly smile and ruffle his hair, almost nervously.

“Harry” I replied with a nod and walked back over to the till knowing that he wasn’t allowed behind the counter thereby ensuring there would be at least three feet and a counter between us at all times.

“I know I wasn’t the nicest person to you in school and I did call you some pretty stupid and immature names and I just wanted to apologize.” He said while his fingers picked at a part of an old sticker that was on the counter.

“Thank you for your apology.”

“You’ve certainly changed.  You look good Niall.” He said with a smile showing his dimples.

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