Kiki POV

Today has been a crazy day. I mean first Zen sends us to a married inn only. Second we have to share a bed together. Third we were attacked by six men. At least I get to soak myself in the bath. (They wear towels when they take bath in an inn.) What else could go wrong. All of a sudden I heard footsteps. Who is there show yourself. From behind the fold I heard

"Kiki?" Mitsuhide questioned.

"Mitsuhide what are you doing here" I question.

"They told me this bath was ready for me" He said.

"What ... But they told me the same thing" I said.

I step out of the shallow end of the hot bath. And proceed to get my robe from the hook by the door. When I went to open the door it was locked. I turn around and Mitsuhide was standing there. I walk back and forth trying to think of how to get out. Then I walk backwards to see if I can spot something to help us. However, before I could see anything I slip on the rocks falling into the deeper end of the pool. The last thing I saw was the water around me splash up then darkness.

"Kiki! , Kiki can you hear me" Mitsuhide questioned.

When I came too I was wrapped in his arms. My eyes slowly opened to where I saw Mitsuhide looking down at me. As soon as are eyes meet he sighs and smiles.

"Please be more careful Kiki you gave me a heart attack" Mitsuhide explained.

Mitsuhide POV

I say since we are stuck in here lets just try to enjoy it. I mean we can figure out a way out of here later. We can always jump over the wall if need be. But after you slipping I need to relax a little before we go back. Besides its not like we can really relax back at home. But here Kiki we can actually act like a couple. I know it will be strange cause it's are first trip together but, that's the reason we should enjoy it. Kiki surprised me with a kiss and just looked at her. She was reeling me how I was right we should just enjoy it while we here. Without even realizing it I realized we had both just spoke what we were thinking about.
After a while we both step out me first of course so I can help Kiki out so she doesn't slip. I walk over to grab my robe when I realize they is only one. I grab my robe and walk over to her. I hand her my robe and she said it's better if I wear it. I decide that if I pick up Kiki I can jump the wall and head to are room. I walk over behind Kiki and careful pick her up. She freaks out when I lift her up and when she looks at me we are so close we could kiss. Both of us blush and she looks away.

"Hold on tight I'm going to get us out of here" Mitsuhide said

I kick off the ground jump off the tree and land on the other side. Are room isn't far behind so I sneak around. I find are room now just have to find a open door. Kiki says the back patio door is open. I jump up and open the door. Once we are inside the room I put Kiki back down. She then grabs her clothes and changes in the bathroom. I also quickly change then head down to the receipt ion desk to let them know what happened.
When I return Kiki is just standing by the futon. I step next to her and tell her she can have the futon. I sit down by the patio door and lean up against the wall. I then said I could never have a lady sleep against the wall when there is a perfectly good futon here. She just smiles and gets under the covers. The next thing I know it's morning and the back door is open. I look behind me to see Kiki just standing outside.

Kiki POV

I wake up to see the sun already up. I get up and quietly open the back door to take a look outside. As I'm admiring the view I feel a pair of arms wrap around me. I smile then unwrap myself from his arms and notice he is looking confused. So I grab his hand and walk back inside I grab my travel bag. I gentle smile at Mitsuhide and remind him today is the last day before returning home. I quickly grab my stuff and rush to the bathroom before he can see what I'm holding. Once inside I put on my swimsuit and then put on my dress. I step out and see Mitsuhide ready to as well. So I quickly grab my bag and we leave the room. We stop at the front desk and Mitsuhide walks off talking to one of the workers. While he is doing that I grab the picnic basket that they filled for are trip today.
We leave the inn and start walking and I look over at Mitsuhide to see a smile on his face. I chuckle to myself thinking if he is happy now I can't wait to see how he is later. As we continue on are way things look different then I remember.

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