Chapter Fifteen✨

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"Fuck." I say as Draco disarms me for what seems like the hundredth time.

I roll my sleeves up again, blowing air out of my mouth to move the hair away from my eyes. There's sweat on the back of my neck and I CANNOT get this spell!

"It's the mudblood half in you, the incompetent side." Draco says kicking my wand back to me.

"What do we have here?" Grunts a heavy voice. I turn to see Mad Eye Moody strut in through the door, looking from Draco to me. His fake eye goes crazy, moving around the room.

Draco seems to cower backwards and lowers his head. I smirk and say, "I can't get the Expelliarmus spell to work, Professor Moody."

"Try it with me then." he says. Moody sifts through the many pockets of his jacket, first pulling out his flask containing God knows what and then his wand.

I'm not sure how to feel about Alaster Moody. For the short time that I've known him he's always been very aggressive, basically a dick. Then he disappears without a singular trace, putting the whole order in panic. BOOM! He shows up to Hogwarts? I'm sure Severus has contacted someone by now to let them know, but seriously.

"Professor it's banned to duel students." Draco says stepping forward a bit.

"'Professor it's banned to duel students' shut up wouldn't you." he says. "I wasn't allowed to turn you into a ferret but I did that anyway didn't I?"

There's silence between us. I remember that day. Draco was up in a tree, eating a green apple. He had just finished helping me out with more Potions homework, his hair was tousled and his robes were in disarray from his punk friends who came up to us. Not that I minded, but I was making fast progress in my courses. Him and Harry got into it, Cedric walked over to see what was happening, I was sitting in the courtyard taking notes for my Divination class with Professor Trelawney.

I nod and raise my hand, flicking my fingers back towards me.

Mad Eye says Expelliarmus but his wand is already halfway to me by the time he does. He leans on his walking stick, his other eye going wild, and smirks. "I guess you just needed the right teacher, hmm?"

"It's different when you have the advantage. Malfoy, over here." Moody says as he flicks his hand into his air. Being a sport, I bend down and grab Moody's wand, placing it in his hand with a cocky grin. 

As I turn to walk back, Draco grabs my arm and whispers, "What was that?" In my ear.

I ignore him and try to pull my arm away, looking at Mad Eye for help. He shrugs and I look up at Malfoy. "Let go."

He releases his grip on my arm and I face him. I put my wand up and he hesitates. "What?" I say teasingly. "Afraid the Pure-blood side of me can kick your ass?"

Moody let's out a bark as Draco lifts his wand. He gulps and I raise my hand again, palm out. Before he has time to open his mouth his wand is in my hand.

"How do you do that?!" He exclaims, sounding a little frightened, a little frustrated even. Mad Eye nods at me and proceeds to leave the room.

I turn my attention back to Draco who is slowly walking towards me, his hand out for his wand. I smirk and lift mine. I feel as if power runs through me, just by holding his wand. He stops dead in his tracks and looks me in the eye.

In the short amount of time we've spent together, and I hate to admit it, I actually enjoy having him as a friend. If I can even call him a friend. The Lyra I was a year ago would have run crying from him. The Lyra I am today can match his wit faster than he expects, leaving him speechless half the time. 

Maybe that's why we get along. He isn't so bad when he's not around people, but I can tell there's something more about him. It's like he's hoping for redemption. While I'm zoned out, Draco takes this chance to charge me, knocking out my legs.

"Goddammit, Draco!" I yell, trying to force him off. "Have you lost your fucking mind, you sociopath!"

He pins my arms above my head and takes my wand with his other hand before securing it in his pocket. "How. Do. You. Do. That." He questions, pointing his wand under my chin.

"I don't know!" I exclaim, kicking my legs.

"Yes you do! Are you working for the Dark Lord?"

I stop struggling and my body goes still. "Am I what?!"

"Did Voldemort give this to you? What did you do? How can you perform those spells without a wand?"

"Fuck you." I spit.

I flip onto my back and start to crawl away, not caring if I'm getting dirt all over my clothes. I stand and face Draco, his wand raised at me with one hand as he holds out my wand in the other.

"Duel me." He says quietly. He walks over to me and presses my wand into my wand. I shake my head no and he folds my hand tightly over my wand. "Please."

I let out a breath and nod my head yes, my heart beating wildly. He steps back and crosses the room, running a hand through his hair and facing me.

"My way." He says.

"That's not fair! I'm not as fast!" I protest.

"How else are you going to learn? I promise I won't use any curses."

"I don't trust you, Draco Malfoy, your promises mean nothing."

He sighs. "Lyra Black, I promise you I will not use any curses."

"Fine. Let's duel."


"Expelliarmus!" I shout as Draco jumps over a desk to dodge my spell.

"Expelli-" he yells as I cut him off saying "Reducto!"

The desk disintegrates in front of him and he laughs. "That's what you do?" He asks me laughing and clutching his stomach.

"Stop laughing!" I say. "Avis!"

Tiny birds erupt from the tip of my wand and fly over to Draco, increasing his laughter. I roll my eyes and cross my arms over my chest, waiting for him to stop.

"Densaugeo!" I yell, mad now that he is no longer taking this seriously.

He stops laughing as his teeth grow huge and his eyes get wide. He's pissed, I can tell, but I just raise my eyebrows.

"Are you done now?" I ask. He nods and I say, "Deletrius." Draco's mouth goes back to normal and he touches his lips, looking up at me.

There's something else about him. Something I can't quite understand. I hate myself for it, but I love that he's also starting to feel the same sort of way. The tension in the air between us kills me. I haven't received much information from him in this time together though, so it is wasted time.

But is it?

"Well, Black, you do have a good feel for spells." He says standing and stepping over the pile of ashes that was a desk moments ago.

Draco walks up close to me and I catch my breath as he continues to get closer. I look down and he takes his hand and lifts my chin to look him in the eye.

"Am I interrupting something, Mr. Malfoy?" Someone says from the doorway.

I squint my eyes closed, I could tell that voice anywhere. My body ignites with embarrassment as Draco looks at the door and my face burns bright red. If only I could tell him what I'm really doing. This isn't for me. This is for the Order.

"No, Professor Snape." He says removing his hand and backing away. He turns to me and whispers, "Like I said forever ago, I would work on that blush."

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