Chapter Ten✨

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"Where are you going, Lyra." I say to myself. "You have no idea where you are. Just go back into the hall. Of course they were going to talk about you. Your father is Sirius Black."

"You okay there?" A voice behind me says, causing me to jump. "Oh, my apologies I didn't mean to startle you. Are you alright?"

"I'm, uh, yes I'm fine. And who are you?"

"Cedric Diggory, of course. Hufflepuff, nice meeting you." the boy says.

He sticks out his hand and I take it, going to shake his hand. He takes our hands up to his mouth and plants a soft kiss on the back of my hand. My mouth opens in a small O and he smiles.

The English.

"So why are you just coming into Hogwarts now?" He asks me. He holds his hand out once again, procuring a devilishly delicious looking sandwich that causes my stomach to growl at the sight. Cedric Diggory's eyebrows shoot up and I feel my cheeks start to burn. "I figured what with it being so late I might as well offer you something, in case you didn't yet eat. My father would be upset if I let a lady miss a meal."

I take it from him cautiously, wary of such a thoughtful act. I clear my throat as I unwrap the napkin from it. "My mother kept my acceptance letters away from me know, it is a very long tiring story that I am sure you have no time for." I sigh and motion towards the sandwich.  "This was very kind of you, thank you,"

"Of course, I may not be in Gryffindor but that doesn't mean I don't have chivalry." 

He leads me through some halls and then up some more of those moving staircases, pointing things out to me all the while.

"What house were you sorted into?" He asks, turning to face me.

"Gryffindor." I say, turning and smiling back. He smiles and nods. "If you had been listening to Severus you would have picked up on it, no?"

"I assumed so. Seems fitting, seeing as you walked into the Hall with all eyes on you, even after everything with your father. That requires great bravery." He nudges me. "And no, it's pretty hard to concentrate on my Potions professor when a mysterious dark haired beauty has stepped into the room alongside him." 

I blush and turn my head to the side, crossing my arms over my chest.

Cheeky bastard, indeed. 

"Well, I am afraid that I do have to ask," Cedric Diggory says as I munch on this God awful sandwich. He's visibly uncomfortable, and I can only imagine what he has to say next. "Are you Sirius Black's daughter? Or just a twist of fate that you carry the same name?"

I grimace as I turn in time to see a group of women dressed in blue run into the hallway. There's some whooping from obviously what can only be pre pubescent men.

"Sirius Black is my father, yes. If anyone here actually tried to understand the story of my father and everything, or even tried talking to him like a person for Gods sakes, they would love him." I say. "Just like I do. I expect I will be getting that question much more in the future, at least you delivered it with a bit of couth."

"Only a bit?"

"Only a bit."

I give up on this mashed meat and wrap it up slyly as Cedric points out different paintings to me, explaining exceptional wizards and witches from Hogwarts past. I'm startled as a group of exceptionally large men walk into the dining hall, sticks hitting the floor, chanting, while sparks fly from the ground. I hear "oohs" and "ahhs" and almost wish that I was inside to see it. But would they really be looking at them, if I was still there?

Cedric peaks his head down the hall, hoping to catch a glimpse of what is happening inside. I take the opportunity to make a quick escape, hoping to find a hiding hole until I can flag down Severus to direct me to some real food and a nice bed to sleep in. 

"Where are you going, luv?" Cedric asks as he appears next to me again. 

"Why does everyone here call me luv?" I cross my arms across my chest, tilting my head up at him. "In America, it's called catcalling, and considering highly offensive if I might also add." I give him an up-down as he stares down at me with a sly grin. "Oh, and you think this is amusing? I hate to break it to you, luv, but I have to be going, not found roaming the halls with strange men."

Cedric stares at me with that grin on his face a little while longer before letting out a small chuckle. "I like you, Lyra Black. Gryffindor indeed ... I never meant to offend, please accept my apologies?" he folds his hands in prayer and I roll my eyes. Am I enjoying this banter? "Call us friends?"

"What's in it for you?"

"Friendship? Well ... nothing ... friends don't need anything."

Another blush creeps up my neck and I chew on the inner corner of my lip before saying, "I've never had a friend before."

He laughs and throws back his head before meeting my eyes again and maintaining a straight face. "Are you serious?" He asks quietly.

"When my father was taken to Azkaban my mom took us into hiding, she never let me leave. Never."

Cedric pauses, almost thinking. He squeezes my arm then motions for me to follow him and we stand at the beginning of the hall. Everyone is chatting and eating, I am invisible from this angle. Dumbledore gives a speech about the Triwizard Tournament, and it captivates me. 

The dome above the dining hall starts to storm, lightning and thunder filling the room. Students are gasping and I jump at the thunder. Then a bright blue beam reaches into the sky, cracks, and it suddenly calms. Everyone turns to look at the source of the spell and there stands Mad Eye Alastor Moody. I've met him a few times at Grimmauld Place, but he disappeared without a trace weeks ago.

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