Chara Ties Up Sans in a Rope

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Me: Dare, dare, dare, dare, dare!
Undyne: Tell me! Tell me!
Me: *Hands my phone*
Undyne: Yes! Another perfect dare!
Chara: *Peeks* (Hm... Perfect... now I got a chance to kill that comedian...)
Me: Chara! We got a dare!
Chara: *Suddenly stops peeking at the phone! Oh! Sure! What's the dare?
Me: Actually, the dare is for Frisk but they changed it for you. So... The dare is to tie Sans in a rope and lower him down to lava.
Chara: Perfect...
Undyne: Sans!!! Come here!!!
Sans: what is it?
Chara: *Kidnaps Sans and puts him in the car* To the volcano!!!
*On the volcano*
Chara: *Ties Sans in a rope*
Sans: look kid... just let me go.
Chara: NEvER!!! yoU SHaLL diE!!!
Sans: : *Tries to move his hands* (shit... i'm stuck...)
Chara: DIE!!! *Lowers him down*
Frisk: STOP!!!
Chara: SHuT up! IT's a DArE! *Continues lowering Sans*
Frisk: *Pushes Chara*
Chara: HEy! leT GO of ME idIot!
Frisk: Never!
Sans: ...
Me: Uh... Frisk? It's a dare...
Undyne: Yeah! And you ruined it!
Frisk: ... Fine...
Me: Good...
Chara: *Lowers Sans*
Sans: Oh no- *Burns*
Frisk: NOOOO!!!!
Undyne: Yes!!!
Chara: Muahahaha!
Frisk: ... You shall die Chara!
Chara: What?-
Frisk: *Pushes Chara to lava*
Undyne: *Catches Chara* Please vote and follow!

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