Words Unsaid.

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They say don't be rash

They say don't think these thoughts

Because thoughts become words, and words become actions

Actions that catches attention of the spectators, calling forth their judgment

A perfect relationship:

She is placed there because of their praise, but they await a sign to tear her right down

She gives them something to praise-- with smiles and strength, but puts forth a similar perfect facade when she cannot

A toxic relationship

Is it honor she is upholding or is it a facade?

She knows which,

And she knows better

So she chokes, her throat closing-- if not by the spectators, then by her own silence

Her soul shoves forward against two windows, the flicker in her eyes becomes a forest fire

Her heart stifled-- filled to the brim with emotions and words unsaid, quivers, threatening to violently burst into flame...

But she must not attract their waiting eyes by acting as such, so she stills

She cannot speak the words her heart screams from within, so she quiets

She cannot dwell on her thoughts that push against the cage of her creation, so she ...

Decides not to be rash

She decides not to be.

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