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I know it's not the longest of my chapters, but it felt an appropriate time to end it. I hate the length of it but, I'll work really hard on the next chapter since I seem to be coming out of my writers block. Thanks for being faithful! xoxo


Ariels POV

My heat was finally over. I could walk again and it was great. But it also meant Raphie had to go back to work. Which was okay, but breakfast in bed was pretty great too.

Justin and Parker were back, and the first thing they asked was if I had sex. But after they took a moment, they knew I hadn't because of my scent.

"Have you two had sex yet?" I retort angrily, instantly regretting what I said when Parker smirks.

"Darling, I think you'd be jealous if you knew how much-"

Justin quickly interrupts him. "Parker." He snaps sharply.

I mumble incoherent words under my breath in anger. Heat simply made me snap at everyone and peaked what my brother called anger issues. And even though it was over, I think that part lingered.

These boys were simply annoying sometimes.

"So... Whatcha wanna do then?" Parker raises an eyebrow.

"Go into town," I shrug.

Justin frowns. "I don't want to take you after what happened last time."

"Well I'm not gonna never go into town again. Come on." I grab my sunglasses and slide them on. The boys don't argue, they just get into the back of Raphie's car when I slide into the drivers seat.

I speed off. I have some business to do.

Drug store shopping.

When I pull up at the store, Parker gives me a funny look. I simply get out and walk in. I might not tend to wear makeup, but I really like doing it, it's fun. And I want candy and snacks. And I need some hygiene things. So that's what I'm getting.

Parker and Justin trail along with me. They help me match things to my skin tone and it makes me laugh. When we get to the hygiene products however, they start to go silent. Seeming lost in the rows of shampoo and conditioner.

It's funny seeing these two doing such a mundane thing besides arguing.

We get everything I need and want and I use my own money to pay. I don't want to keep relying on Raphie.

Heading home, my mind flickers to my family and friends. Do they miss me? Do they think of me?

"Shut up." I tell Justin and Parker.

"We weren't talking..." Justin says slowly.

"You're thinking, it's annoying." I reply.

"She's quoting Sherlock," Parker mumbles. "It's her favourite show."

I smile proudly. Someone knows what I'm talking about. Good job Parker for actually watching with me. I sigh and let myself think again, but Parker and Justin really are annoying, I just wanna be alone.

When I get back to the house we bring everything to the kitchen for the time being.

"Raphael is coming home soon." Justin informs.

So he's coming early and he won't link me but he'll link Justin. That's annoying. He can be annoying.

"Raphie is an ass." I huff.

Parker laughs. "If you weren't his mate, I think you'd be dead by now."

"Whatever." I huff.

"You know he's busy trying to prepare for an attack." Justin states. "Don't give him so much crap."

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