I took a bowl from the side, and began browsing through the various salads. I put some beetroot, sweet corn and tomatoes in there as well as prawn sauce. I was about to leave the salad bar when something grabbed my attention out the corner of my eye.

Fergal stood opposite me, completely unaware that I was there. I scooted over next to him and nudged him.

"Hey." I said as I looked up to him.

He looked down at me, confusion spread across his face. Once he recognised me he smiled. "Hey Dani," he said as he hugged me. "Didn't know you were coming to Florida."

"I could say the same to you," I said as I leant on the edge of the bar. "You with family? Friends?"

"I'm with Mercy," he corrected. "She wanted me to come and meet her family."

"Aww," I cooed. "Have you met them yet?"

"I'm actually meeting them tonight. They're on their way now actually."

"Better get back to your table then; wouldn't want to make a bad impression on them." I grinned and walked back over to my table.

Nicole's POV

"Where did Dani go?" I asked JJ as he came back to the table, his salad bowl full to the brim.

He shrugged. "I don't know. She saw some guy opposite us and made a beeline for him."

"It was Fergal." Brie said as she began eating her salad.

"How do you know?" I asked, turning to look at her.

"Mercy told me that Fergal was coming with her to Florida to meet her family, and I saw her as we walked in so I knew he would be here."

"Still, this is quality family time. She shouldn't be leaving her family to talk to some boy." My mom complained.

I craned my neck to get a good view of the salad bar. I could only see the back of her as she was leaning against the bar, with Fergal to her side.

I sighed and began eating my salad. It's obvious Dani likes him. I mean, what kind of a sister leaves her family to talk to a guy she's barely known for five minutes? She knows he's taken, so why is she making an effort to talk to him? I'll never understand her.

A couple minutes later, and Dani arrived back at the table. No one said anything to her as she sat down and began eating; she was acting like nothing was wrong.

"Why is everyone so quiet?" She asked, looking around at us.

"Who was that man you were talking to?" Mom asked, propping her head on her hand.

"A friend. Why?"

"Danielle, it's extremely rude to leave your family waiting at the table. The limited family time we have together is important to all of us, and I thought it was to you to."

"I do care about family time! I just wanted to talk to my friend because I haven't seen him in a while." Dani said.

I scoffed. "You saw him only a few days ago."

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