Shut Up And Let Me See Your Jazz Hands

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I smiled hearing Frank say those words "are you serious?!" I ask him he nodded "never heard anyone play like that except Spencer." He said nodding towards Mr. Smith I smiled and bit my lip and thought for a second "you said the band is playing tonight right?" I asked Frank nodded "you don't have to play tonight were only playing an hour were gonna enjoy the dance." He said I nodded "I can learn all the music. But only on one condition." I said biting my lip.

Gerard and Mikey are in the band with Frank, this dance would be my chance to surprise them.

Frank gave me a weird look "what is it?" He asked I smiled " you can't tell anyone about me joining the band." I said "not even the other band members..." I said Frank thought for a second than nodded "deal.. But why don't you want me to tell anyone?" He asked I smiled "I guess you'll just have to wait and see." I said He smiled

"well I got to go." He said a bit disappointed I sighed and nodded "actually Frank I want you to stay here for the rest of the day with Helena and help her we already pardoned you from all your classes and if you want you can stay for as long as you like." Mr. Urie said Frank nodded as he walked out with Mr. Smith behind him.

Me and Frank practiced all the songs over and over again until it was time for lunch "Frank can I ask you something it may seem weird though?" I asked as we walked down to the lunch room he nodded "yeah, but only if I get to ask you a question also." He said I nodded "Mikey and Gerard um... Like how are they how do act and what should I know about them?" I asked Frank but his lip thinking "Mikey an Gerard has been okay I guess but the past year after there sister left Gerard took it hard but he has gotten better and Mikey really didn't seem to care, they never talk about it when ever I bring it up Gerard won't talk I don't even know her name from how much Gerard doesn't want to talk about it." He said I nodded trying not to cry or feel stupid for asking

Frank turned to me "okay now it's my turn to ask a weird question." He said I nodded "Helena would you go to the dance with me I mean after we play of course." He asked I smiled I might've blushed "I would love too" I said he smiled and bit his lip "Great." He said I smiled.

We went and got our lunch and sat at a table "you know Helena maybe instead of practicing all day maybe we can go to my house and watch a scary movie." He suggested I thought for a minute "um I'm no good with horror movies but I'll give it a try." I said he smiled and stood up leaving all his trash on the table I went to pick it up but Frank pulled me away.

As we walked to his house he sighed I could tell there was something one his mind but I didn't want to pry.

As we walked up to his house before he unlocked the door he stopped me "okay out off all the things that I don't understand, I can't seem to understand why you asked about Gerard and Mikey Way and how you even now who they are!" He said confused, I sighed I knew that this would end up like this somehow.

"My name-" I started before Frank threw up his hands "who cares about your name Helena, what's the point." He growled irritatedly "don't interrupt me." I yelled angerly at him which I didn't mean too but I hated to be interrupted I sighed as I looked at Frank he looked scared and shocked at the same time "sorry." I said he looked down "Helena before you say anything else I wanted to tell you Gerard hasn't been good at all he been drinking and doing drugs since his sister left a year ago." He said as I looked down "I knew it... Frank there's something I need to tell you... I'm the reason Gerard's doing drugs ... It's all my fault." I confessed Frank looked at me confused "I am Helena Way." I said he looked at me the wheels wore turning in his head "WAIT SO YOUR TELLING ME YOU ARE GERARD'S SISTER!" He yelled I nodded he raised his hand and slapped his face.

(3 hours later)

I grabbed a pillow and hit Frank with it "WHAT THE HELL FRANK IM NEVER WATCH ANOTHER SCARY MOVIE IN MY LIFE AGAIN!" I yelled he laughed as he grabbed my arm I jumped and gasped as the flash of pictures appeared in my head

(Two Months ago Frank's Prov-)

("Gerard please I'm begging you to stop it!" I said hitting his hand knocking the cigarette out of his hands Gerard looked at me with fury in his eyes "What the Fuck Frank!" He yelled "YOU NEED TOO STOP IT GERARD WE GET IT YOU MISS HER THERE'S NOTHING YOU CAN FUCKING DO THERE'S NO POINT IN DRINKING UP YOUR MISERY!" I yelled only to see Gerard's hand fly up and hit me in the face leaving a stinging pain.

Gerard looked at me shocked then turned away I grabbed my face only to feel a warm liquid on my hand.

'Wait was I?' I looked at my hand to see  blood I looked at Gerard and walked away)

I gasped as I came back to my senses to see Frank his face was full of confusion and worry "Helena what happened?" He asked I shook my head "nothing don't worry about it your hand was cold." I lied he looked at his hand on my arm then let go "sorry." He mumbled.

I looked at his cheek seeing a small scar    From where Gerard hit him "what happened to your cheek?" I asked he shrugged "my cat did that." He also lied

I nodded as I looked at my watch "SHIT WE HAVE ONE HOUR BEFORE WE GO TO THE DANCE IVE GO TO GO!" I yelled as I jumped up and grabbed my bag, I ran to the door before I could Frank yelled my name "it's going to be a masquerade ball there's a store down the road that sells dresses and masks that are cute and cheep." He yelled I smiled "thanks Frank!" I yelled back and walked out to the store

Gerard Way Is My BrotherDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora