Jimin: When did you get so smart?

Taehyung: What do you mean? I've always been smart!

Namjoon: In someways, you're pretty dumb....but you surprise us on how well you know.

Taehyung: I don't know why but I feel proud of myself when you said that.

Jin: Anywho, thats the kind of relationship I'm talking about.

Suga: Jungkook, you better force her to come.

Leylia: He can't force me to.....he doesn't even know how to force me, he's too cheesy with his words.

Jungkook: Actually, hyung, I know a way to force her to come with us..

Suga/Leylia: And that is?

Jungkook: Puppy Eyes!!

Leylia: Oh no...

I looked at all of them and they were all doing puppy eyes...even Namjoon oppa! I looked to my left and there was Jungkook looking at me with such hope in his eyes. I couldn't stand it anymore, I didn't even know how or why but I blurted out..

Leylia: Fine! I'll go!

All: Yay!!!

Jungkook: My jagi can't resist our puppy eyes.

Namjoon: I'm surprised that puppy eyes is her weakness.

Jin: Me too!

Jungkook: So, you should go pack right now, we have to go back to our dorms.

Leylia: What about your manager?

Jimin: He already knows so it's okay.

Leylia: What do you mean?

J-hope: We told our manager that Jungkooks girlfriend is coming along because he can't stand being without her, and we don't want to see him worry. Manger said that its fine if you go with us.

Leylia: Thanks you guys! I'll be right back, then I'll come back down with my luggage's.

All: Okay!

- 1 hour later -

Leylia: Okay guys I'm done! So, what do you people want to do?

"Let's go karaoke!"
"No, let's go roller skating!"
"Aniyo! I wanna to the arcade!"
"The arcade is boring! Let's go swimming!"

Suga: You guys are annoying! Let's have Leylia decide.

All: Ugh, fine!

Leylia: What's with that attitude? Is it because this fun time is going to be chosen by a girl?

Taehyung: Ani, its just that......yeah yeah that's probably why!

Leylia: Oh. Okay.

Namjoon: Yah Taehyung! You made her offended!

Taehyung: I did? Ah miahne Leylia.

Leylia: It's Fine! You guys can just argue about going somewhere.

- whispering -

Jungkook: Jagi? Are you okay?

Leylia: Ne. I wasn't offended or anything.

Jungkook: Are you sure?

Leylia: Ne.

Jungkook: Okay then!

- End of Whispers -

I changed then we finally left because they finally decided to go out and play at the arcades. When we got there, it was filled with so many people. But, I guess they didn't care because they were idols. Once we entered girls left there boyfriends and went up towards Jungkook and them. I told Jungkook that I was going to the bathroom because I didn't want to be pushed away by those girls.

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