Chapter 2: Igniting the Thread of Life

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A dapper looking man walked out of the Abstergo tower. He wore an expensive silver and gold Armani suit with a pair of snakeskin loafers.
     I grimaced from my position over him. The large brick wall of a building provided an ample viewpoint. "If I don't kill him, PETA sure will." I had acquired a rare gift among humans. A sixth sense gifted to those of use with precursor DNA. We assassins call it eagle vision. When I focused my eye could detect things of importance, like my target. He shimmered gold as he walked through a sea of glowing blue pedestrians.
     He turned down an alley, between my building and the one across from it.
    "Phew! Okay." I shook my arms and walked away from the edge. I turned back around. "Here we go."
    "And... go!" Shaun said as he clicked the stopwatch.
    I ran toward the edge and jumped. I flew over the edge and flexed my wrist and my blade sprung out. Time seemed to slow down as the man turned and looked up at me in slow motion. His face was a mask of terror as my boots slammed against his shoulders, knocking him down to the ground. I thrust my blade into his throat. Blood spurted across the alley. I stood up straight and sheathed my blade.
    I rifled through his pockets and and grabbed his key card. "Let's steal some secrets."

    I walked up to the tower and stared at the endless glass wall. The spire pierced the black clouds like a knight's sword does a dragon's hide.
   I grabbed a small grappling hook from my belt and aimed at the vent. The hook shot out and latched onto the metal layers. I pulled hard and the vent snapped out of place. The metal crashed to the ground and alerted a security guard. I winched myself up and scrambled into the vent. A flash light beam shone outside as someone investigated the noise.
    "Nice job. Why don't you just shout it on the roof tops. 'Hey! There's an Assassin here!" Shaun scolded.
    "When I get out of this, Beks might have to hold me back from putting a blade in YOUR throat." I snarled and crawled through the vent.
    "Can we all just focus on the mission." Bishop sighed. "You can knock out the vent to your left and drop right into his office."
    I looked to my left and slammed my fist into the metal grate. It crashed to the floor with a metallic crunch. Two security guards stared at the scene and shone their flashlights into the vent. I pulled the pin of a smoke bomb and dropped it into the room. Grey gas hissed out of the orb and covered the room in a thickening smog. The two guards coughed as I dropped down between them. I flexed my wrist twice and electricity crackled as my taser blade engaged. I rammed the tasers into their necks and they dropped to the ground, writhing.
     I smirked and walked over to the door. Swiping the man's keycard, the doors beeped and unlocked. I opened the door and walked into the large room. A lone mahogany desk sat in the center with a silver lap top on its surface. 
     "Okay." I walked over and opened the laptop. I plugged in a USB drive and waited for the de-encryption algorithm to take over. Once the password was overridden, I started to download all the files. The process of downloading was excruciatingly slow. Like snail on a turtle slow.
     I paced the room.
     "How much longer Beks?" I asked. Faint footsteps tapped in my ears.
      "Hard to tell, he has a very extensive firewall. It'll be hard to crack." She explained as I walked over and locked the door.
     "Well, I hear footsteps so I need a time." I urged her.
     "Ten minutes at least." She shouted back.
     I waited and tapped my foot on the ground. The footsteps got louder as time went one. I could tell it was a single person with heavy leather boots. A male in his early twenties, like me.
     His steps got louder, and louder. I heard him stop outside the door. He studied the unconscious bodies. His weight shifted on the floor boards as he looked over toward the door. "Done! Get out of their Phoenix!"
    I raced over to the desk, grabbed the flashed drive and threw the computer at the wide window. It shattered into a million tiny pieces as the man pounded on the door. I closed my eyes and stepped up to the edge of the windowsill. The man threw his weight against the door and it burst open. I spread my arms out to my sides and fell out of the window.
    Cold night air blasted against my face as I fell through space. I grabbed the inside of my scarlet coat and pulled out the edges of my wing suit.
    I sped above the street like a falcon in a dive. The back of a large black van opened and I aimed for that. I closed my arms and tumbled into the van hitting my head on the hard flooring.
    "Dammit! Now I own Beks ten dollars."

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