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         Jazmine's pov

Here we are about to get on our plane. I've  been crying on and off all day and night. Seeing the boys' red eyes tell me that they have been crying to. We said our last goodbye but then Courtney had to drag me away I wouldn't move I was crying so much. We finally got on our plane I look out the window to see Jc. I quickly texted him to look to his right when he got the message. He looked out his window and mouthed Im gonna miss you, Then I mouthed it back. But this sweet moment was ruined by Kian  jumping in Jc's lap mouthing for me to get court. So I tapped her briefly on the shoulder. She turned to look out the window,we both watched him mouth I'm gonna miss your hot ass! We all busted out laughing when the flight attendant told us to buckle up and enjoy our ride. I looked over at Jc and Kian's plane. It was gone I started to cry the thought of not being able to look into his mesmerizing eyes. Courtney didn't seem to show any emotion about the situation but I know deep down it hurt her too to see Kian leave. I laid my head against the window and fell into a deep sleep I don't remember much about the dream I had just that the boys and Courtney were there and we were happy.  All of a sudden I hear my name being yelled. Jazmine! Jaz! Hey hoe were home. I sighed got up walked of the plane and quickly grabbed our luggage then went home . When we got home Courtney went straight to bed I knew must have been tired from the trip. Me on the other hand I couldn't sleep; so I got on Instagram to see a picture that me court and the two boys (kian and jc) were tagged in. It was us look out the plane window at the boys plane you could see the boys in the back ground on their plane smiling like two idiots . The post was titled ~I wish I had the love these four share😍~I almost cried missing Jc being next to me. missing his smile his warmth but most of all just the things he would say to make me smile. So I took a screenshot of the picture and the title and posted on Twitter tagging court and the boys saying~ I miss y'all😢 but most of all you boo♥️😘~. Not five minutes later I got a notification saying someone commented on my post. It was jc he committed and sad emoji 😔. I liked the comment and commented I know I wanna see you soon. I shut off my phone started thinking of some way I could see him now when it hit me! ROAD TRIP I mean we don't start school back for awhile! So i went to courts room to see her smiling at her phone.  UGHHHH soooo happy to see her smiling like this again!

                         Convo between jaz and court


J- What are you smiling at?

C- Nothing, Just a text

J- Oooo...Is Kian texting you?

C- Maybe.... How are you holding up? With jc not being around?

J- Not good I miss him. I wanna see him so bad.

C- Maybe we can take our money put it together and go see them

J- Well I was thinking maybe we can do a little road trip?

C- YEAH! We can even take my car. Plus we can get a hotel room.

J- I mean yeah! I mean as long were back before I start collage in the fall.

C- Great! I have to tell kian.   (Starts typing)

J- No! Let's make it a surprise

C- Okay

J- So when do you wanna go?

C- How about this weekend? so in A day and a half?

J- Okay let's clean up and get rest.

C-No problem by the way that picture was good we looked good in it.

J- (laughs) see you later

I go to my room unpack my bag to wash my clothes put them in the washer and got to the kitchen to make me some lunch.

                       Jc pov

So a fan I guess took a picture of the girls looking at us. Jazmine posted the picture on Twitter, I commented a sad face and she committed back I know I wanna see you soon. So I started thinking what would happen if she came to Cali I guess I zoned out cause the next thing I new Kian jumped on me yelling LISTEN TO ME! That got my attention I said what do you want

(Kian-K) (Jc-J)

K- I asked you if you've talked to Jazmine

J- No. Have you talked to Courtney?

K- yeah! we just started talking.

J- dude I can't stop thinking about her I miss her and it hasn't even been a whole day

K- I know me to man maybe they'll come visit or we could visit them

J- yeah you should ask Courtney first so she can get things ready but tell her not to tell Jazmine I want it to surprise her

K- okay cool.

                        Kians pov

So I texted Courtney and the conversation was kinda weird but we decided that they would come here. Jc wouldn't know about it though we're gonna try to make it a surprise for him. Yet his surprise would make us all happier! Even the other boys miss the girls they keep talking about how they were the ones we let get away. Honestly i think they are right cause she was made for me and i her. I know as soon as they get here she's not getting out of my sight anytime. I think I'm gonna ask her to be mine.

                        Courtneys pov

So we're going to Cali thank god Kian text to ask if it was ok if they came down. I told jaz what they planed and that I told kian. He was cool with that and happy. They were gonna come down to surprise us. So now all we have to do is pack and hit the road. I'm so excited to go to California, I really do miss the boys but most of all I miss Kian....... I've been thinking about finishing my last semester of college online so maybe I could stay in California just a little longer......

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