Chapter 79: Night Terrors

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  When you went to sleep that night you were very uneasy. You didn't have any nightmares about the crash. You knew it was coming. It was some PTSD shit. Instead of you waking up screaming Dan did.

You eyes bolt open. Dan's screams pull you right out of a shallow sleep. In the dim glow from the street lights outside the window you could see his bare skin was shining in sweat. His hair was curled on the ends from the sweat. He didn't notice you woke up. He gets out of bed slowly and goes to the window. He opens it and kneels in front of it. The cool breeze rushes into the room. Then you hear Dan start to cry. They sounded muffled like he had his hand over his mouth. That's when you get up.

You creep out of bed and sit down next to Dan. He looks up startled at first.

"I'm sorry I woke you up."

"It's fine. What's wrong."

"It was like I just relived the crash again. But it killed you and Zoe. That crash was my fault. I wasn't paying attention."

"Dan I'm here. Zoe's all right. And it isn't your fault. Maybe if you were paying attention it wouldn't have hit us as hard. either way we would have got hit. There was no avoiding it."

You lean over and kiss his cheek and wipe the tears away. He mutters a soft "I love you." And embraces you. His skin was warm against your cheek but it was calming. He lets goes back to bed. You decide to check on Kimberly. You tiptoe through the dark halls and dark lounge and up the "secret" stair case to Kimberly's room. There was a small light coming through the crack under the door.

"Kim? You awake?" You ask softly as you open the door.

She was sitting in front of the window in the same position as Dan was earlier. She wasn't crying but she looked sad.

"What's wrong?" You ask.

She fully faces you but doesn't make eye contact.

"I'm fine. Just I don't know."

You kneel down next to her and she instantly hugs you. Soon enough you feel the tears soaking though your shirt.

"I don't know what's wrong with me. I should be so freaking happy right now."

"It's all right. When you find out what's wrong I'm here. I'm always here. You have a family now.


"Now go back to sleep. We're going into town tomorrow."

"Ok." She says slightly happier now.

"I love you Kimberly."

"I love you too mum."

She crawls back into her bed and you tuck her in. you place a kiss on her forehead and leave the room. Now you go back to bed too. The clock in the kitchen reads 3:48. Ugh. You slide into bed and cuddle Dan. People always say once you get married you don't sleep as close. You and Dan aren't the case. You bury your face in the crook of his neck.

*time skip till 9 in the afternoon when you wake up. Well actually like 11:30.*

"Foods ready!!" Dan shouts. You feel a pillow connect with your body.

"I didn't know I was signing up to a abusive marriage when you out this ring on my finger."

"Get up."

You sit up and Dan throws another pillow. It lands right In your face. You take the pillow from behind you and charge after him. You jump from behind and tackle him with the pillow.

"Oh!" He says as he hits the ground.

"This is the major fun I ever had."


You and Dan burst out laughing. Kimberly walks in.

"What the..."

You get off Dan and pick up the pillow.

"Can you bring this back to our room?"

She takes the pillow and nods. She goes to Dan's room and you you get off of him. He stands up and once again towers over you. He leans down and pecks a cheek on tour forehead.

"What's the plan for today?"

"Get child clothes. Get child paint for child's room but child goes with Zoe for that." You say.

"All right we can take her to Carmel Baby and Child. She's pretty small. Louise brings Darcy there.

"Sounds fan dabby ding dong."

Kimberly comes back in.

"I'm hungry."

"Same." Phil says walking in.

"Let's go to Starbucks." Dan suggests.

"I"m down with that"

"Let's a go!" Phil says in a Mario voice.

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