Chapter 75: Tokyo Day Three

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The next day you wake up slightly in pain. It was a good type of pain. You glance at Dan on the other side of you. His hair was wavy at the ends probably from sweating last night. You roll out of bed and get dressed trying to to disturb Dan. Maybe you could wander around the area while he sleeps. You grab your phone, wallet and a room key and head out silently. As you walk down the hallway to the lift you see a little girl sitting outside a room in tears. She looked very young, maybe 9 or 10.

"Are you okay?" You ask the little girl.

She looks up at you and wipes her tears. Some of her black hair is sticking to her cheeks from the tears.

"Yes I'm fine." She says.

"Are you sure?"


"What's wrong?" You ask, sitting beside her.

"It's my mommy and daddy's anniversary and my daddy got drunk and started hitting mommy. I ran out so I wouldn't get hit."

When she says that, you notice the bruises on her arms and legs. She was such a sweet little girl in a world full of pain. You needed to help her.

"Hey why don't you come with me? I know a nice lady downstairs who could help you."

She gets up and nods eagerly.

"Hey aren't you in YouTube?" She asked as you got up.

"Haha yes I am."

"You're the one who got married to danisnotonfire right?"



"What's your name?"

"Tabitha. Tabitha Casper."

"I like that name!"

"Hehe thanks."

You know exactly where you're taking her. To hotel management. Maybe her dad could get taken into custody. You get into the lift and hit the lobby button. There was a TV in here but it was in Japanese. No subtitles. Once the ding sounds you take her hand and lead her to the front desk.

"Excuse me ma'am?" You ask picking up Tabitha.

The lady spins around and comes right up to you.

"Yes? How may I help you?"

"I found her outside in the hallway. She said her father was beating her mum me she she had to get out. She says it happens a lot."

"Oh my. I'll be right back."

You go across the lobby and sit down. You place Tabitha in the seat next to you.

"So Tabitha, do you have any pets?"

"You don't have to treat me like a baby. I know you told that lady about my dad so he gets taken away."

You were stunned by her intelligence. Who knew someone her age was so smart.

"I'm sorry. It needed to be done."

"I'm not mad! I'm happy you did. No one would believe me if I told."

You smile.

"Why did you marry Dan?"

"Because I love him."

"That's what my mom said about my dad."

"Oh really?"

"Yeah but if my dad gets drunk and hit her..does he love her?"

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