"You're sharing a room with Mike," I pointed to the door.

"But Mike said he was sharing with Asht-"

"Ashton's sharing with Madison." I interrupted.

"Since when? I was told-"

"Go talk to Madison about it! She'll explain everything to you, right now just leave!" I yelled slightly, interrupting him again.

"Okay okay, calm down mate," he held his hands up in surrender, walking away.

What's taking Destiny so long? I have to pee.

I walked into the bathroom, not caring if she was on the toilet. I mean we were together for about two years, it's not like I haven't seen her on there before.

"What is taking you so long? I've been waiting for-" I stopped mid sentence, when I saw the way she was dressed. "What are you all dressed up for?"

"I'm going to a dinner party," she said, avoiding looking at me.

Is she going on a date? And most importantly, if so, then with who?

"With who?" I leaned against the door frame, wanting to know who this guy was.

"Just someone, shouldn't matter to you," she shrugged, pushing by me and into the room. She grabbed her phone off of the table. Is she texting the guy she's going out with?

"Well it does matter to me, so tell me," I walked into the room, following closely behind her. I'm not letting this go.

"Just someone, God Luke." She rolled her blue eyes at me.

I looked her up and down. I would lie if I said she didn't look pretty, because she looked stunning. But the shoes...

"Why are you wearing heals? You never wear them, ever," I asked, looking back up at her face.

"Please, just stop. I don't need you hovering over me like I'm some child. I'm a big girl," she reached behind me, grabbing her purse that hung directly on the wall. "I am perfectly capable of handling myself." And with that, she was gone.

She left the room, but one thought remained in my head; Who is she going out with?

Destiny's POV

"Wow, Destiny. You look amazing," Dylan hugged me.

"Thank you, Dylan." I smiled, looking down at my feet.

"So, let's get going, shall we?" He held his arm out for my to loop mine with, in which I did.

I giggle lightly under my breath as he opened the passenger door for me.

"This isn't the Dylan I remember," I took my seat, waiting for him to enter the driver side.

"I'd like to forget the past Dylan, I was an idiot back them. I had a lot going on," He smiled shyly over at me, then started the car.

I buckled my seat belt, leaning back into the seat.

The sunset blanketed over the sky. Bright colors of blue, pink, and dark orange looked velvet over the whispy clouds.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" He glanced over at me, then back over towards the road.

"Me and my mom used to watch the sky all the time," I smiled at the sunset, thinking about the memories I shared with her before she died.

"Same here, before my parents passed," he cleared his throat, a little uncomfortable. "Sorry, I didn't mean to make that weird."

"No, it's okay," I interrupted him. "Tell me about them."

He smiled shyly at me, waiting a second before responding. This isn't the Dylan I remember, this is a better Dylan. A calmer Dylan. A Dylan that I trust.

"They were amazing," he smiled to himself, still focusing on the road.

"They'd make sure to always smile, even on their bad days. I mean yeah, they would fight sometimes, but every couple does, right? They went through their ups and downs, but I know every growing couple does," he stopped, reminding me of my fights with Luke.

"One day they were driving home, and I was in the back seat. We had just left a family reunion. They were arguing that night, and I sat in the back, I didn't even take the wheel from my dad," he sighed.

"They uhm... They wrecked the car, flipping a few times, and crushing the front of the car completely. I was the only one to survive. This was only a few months before I met you, I was seventeen when it happened," he cleared his throat, obviously holding back tears.

"Dylan, I'm so sorry," I apologized to him. This must've been his issue back then.

"Its okay," he paused for a second, his voice raspy from holding back the tears. "Uh, tell me a little about your parents," he smiled. "What are they like?" He trued changing the subject.

"Uh, well..." I paused for a minute.

"My dad is an awful human being. He disowned me back during the boys first tour. And he cheated ony mom after she was diagnosed with cancer. It was just me and her for awhile. About a year later, it took her life." I swallowed the lump that had formed in my throat.

"I was forced to live with him, and he married the woman he cheated on my mom with a few months later. Of course the woman, Ashton's mom, didn't know he cheated on my mom with her. But only because I never told her."

"So how'd you end up on tour with the band then? The tour where we met on?" He asked, not diverting his attention from the road.

"Oh, well," I laughed awkwardly. "I got into a fight, which got me expelled," I looked out of the window.

"And so as a punishment, I was sent away with Ashton. But it was actually a relief because I got away from my dad." I chuckled sarcastically under my breath.

"Wow, that must have been some fight if you got expelled," he laughed at me.

"You have no idea," I mumbled slightly, avoiding telling him that the girl ended up in the hospital with a broken nose and a concussion.

"I never picked you to be that type of girl, to be honest," he glanced at me.

"There's a lot you don't know about me," I laughed.

"I'm sorry all of that stuff happened to you though, Destiny. You don't deserve it," he smiled at me, in which I returned.

He turned back to the road, but I comtnued to watch him. I never thought he would've changed into this kind of person, into... A better person. And I like it, a lot.


Hey guys! I told you I'd be updating more often! I keep trying to update everyday!

So what do you guys think of Dylan so far? Do you guys ship lestiny (or duke) still?

How do you feel about Luke lying to Destiny about the room situation Lol

Do you guys think they're going to talk more? Or nawwwwh?

Okay sorry with all the questions I'm in a good mood and I just wanna hear back from you guys! I miss replying to all of your comments!

Oh and who would like a part in the book? I need a part for someone! I'll do a contest in the next chapter for that part!!!!!

Anyways please comment and rate!

Love you guys!

Her Little Game//Book 2Where stories live. Discover now