“Oh-” his phone rang right then, an almost imperceptible sound amidst the loud music being pumped out of the club’s speakers.

“Sorry, excuse me for a moment, I need to take this.” He mouthed at her while he pulled his phone out, “Hello?” he spoke into the mobile.

Scarlett watched his face get scrunched up as if in annoyance, “I see. Well tell them to stay put, I’ll be right there.” Was all he said after a long silence.

“It seems I have a work emergency. Would you mind if I continued this night tomorrow? I must leave now, and to be honest I don’t believe I was...rewarded…enough for my payment.” He said for lack of a better word.

“Be here tomorrow and we’ll see. Thank you for coming.” She snatched the keys from his loosely closed palm, and Josh could clearly see her relax as soon as she had the key in her possession. A 180 degree change took place in her posture as she walked him out to the club’s entrance after she locked the black door.

“Goodbye.” Forever I hope, he thought as he was, in turn, greeted by the night’s warm breeze.


He almost ran to Bloomingdale’s. ‘Mustn’t keep her waiting’ was all he thought.

And there, right in front of the glittering window display, a slim woman stood looking a little lost, holding the oversized blazer she had on close to herself.  Her silky brown waves shone under the dazzling street lights, the light breeze picked up the ends making the scene look like it was out of a movie. And all Josh could do for a second was stare.

Shaking his head to clear his mind, he walked over and touched her shoulder lightly, “Let’s get you some decent clothes.”

She turned around quickly in shock, surprised by his sudden appearance, but as soon as she recognized him, she managed an answer, “I don’t own a single dollar.”

“Don’t worry, I got plenty.”

“I couldn’t possibly!” she took a step back, her eyes widening in shock and pride.

“You need proper clothes.” He replied calmly.

“When I can afford proper clothes I’ll buy proper clothes.”

“Okay, you know what, we don’t have time to argue. Scarlett will discover that you’ve ran off soon enough, and it’ll take her a while longer to understand that I have something to do with it. I’d much rather we weren’t in the same block when the realization hits her, so why don’t we take this back to my flat, and we can start thinking from there.” It hit Louis then, that she nowhere to go, no one she knew, nothing to do; she was completely and absolutely on her own. Or maybe not completely, she corrected herself as she looked Josh in the eye.

“Come on!” not waiting for her approval, Josh clasped Louis’ hand and starting walking to a parking lot a little to the left. Walking limply behind him, Louis saw his hand slip into his back pocket to take out the keys to a Mercedes. An expensive looking pearly car beeped and lit up when he clicked on the small remote that was hanging on the key chain.

Opening the door for her like a true gentleman, Josh quickly jumped into the driver’s seat and drove off.


Louis leaned her head back into the passenger’s seat’s head rest, and let the evening’s warm breeze rush through her hair. Her eyes closed, she could only vaguely feel the lights flashing by on her eye lid as the car sped through the streets.

“We’re here.” Josh announced.

Blinking several times to get accustomed to the lights on the street, Louis opened her grey blue eyes to an ornately designed tower. The building was a neutral beige, with roman pillars wrapped in strands of royal blue hugging the at least twenty-five feet tall entrance. The amount of carvings on the building made Louis’ mind race, and the glass-like illuminated floor in the foyer did not help her settle down either. She felt as though she had just stepped into the world of the rich and the powerful. The few people who were going in and out of the 6 elevators were all dressed to impress. Everything around her screamed money, luxury, and a very, very extravagant lifestyle.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 07, 2013 ⏰

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