Your mind swirled with decisions. The decision to help Ichigo, to help Rukia, and even run away. But in all honesty, how could you help them, when you could barely help yourself. You had succumb yourself to the Arrancar and Aizen when you had been captured, and had only decided to escape cause Grimmjow wasn't around to stop you from doing so.

And while in mid thought, Ichigo had suddenly released Getsuga Tenshou, slicing Grimmjow down his abdomen. Grimmjow laughed in delight as he then announces that Ichigo is now worth killing. You watched from the side lines, your body confused on what it should do next.

It was when Grimmjow unsheathed his sword, that he became surprised as a garganta opened behind him, revealing Tousen.


Your plan had already gone downhill before it had even started. What were you going to do? If Tousen finds out you were here, he would surely tell Aizen. You would be completely screwed if he told Aizen.

You stood behind the wall, trying to hide yourself physically and spiritually from everyone. If they would return to Hueco Mundo without noticing you were there, you were home free.

"Kagami- chan ~ ..." That sly voice called out behind you. You froze, you knew who it was. Their voice was just barely audible as it called out your name cunningly, getting a reation out of you.

"Ichimaru Gin." You replied softly in fear, turning slowly to face the owner of that voice.

"What are ya doing all the way here, Kagami- chan~?" Ichimaru continued to ask, a smile creeping onto his face.

"Nothing." You answered truthfully, kind of. You really weren't doing anything in reality, just standing there

"Oh, really?~" Gin said as he looked towards where Tousen and Grimmjow were. "Ya better get back before that grumpy cat realizes you're gone." He warned.


"Or would ya like Aizen- sama to come and fetch ya instead?"

You froze. He was threatening you with an ultimatum. It was either become prisoner or be killed. Neither sounded any good.

As your mind began to think of a new plan, the garganta opened behind Ichimaru. You looked up and stared at the black hole that opened in the open air. Ichimaru held his hand up, as if presenting the black hole to you. You hesitated for a moment.

"Buh-bye Kagami- chan~" Ichimaru said as he stepped in. "Hope to see ya on the other side." And with that, he disappeared, the hues of his blue eyes disappearing with him.

You stood there for a moment, deciding what to do. Even if Ichimaru were to tell Aizen, and Grimmjow were to realize you were no longer in Las Noches, you would have most likely fled far away back to Soul Society by now. With Ichimaru leaving, it would be on Ichimaru's head would it not?


You stared back at Grimmjow as he entered the garganta. He was obviously pissed, Tousen was mad as well. There was a feeling that sat at the bottom of your stomach to return to Las Noches. You stared at Grimmjow one more time as the garganta was closing, he was looking down at you, he had seen you. But there was no anger directed towards you, but the feeling of loneliness had replaced the feeling of emptiness in your stomach.

"Kagami!" Multiple voices called behind you. Everyone is just calling you all the time now, my goodness, you're popular.

Quickly, you turned around. Yumichika and Ikkaku stood there in a tired state, Ikkaku more then Yumichika.

"Let's go Kagami." Ikkaku called out, his hand outstretched to you. You paused as you stared at his hand.

"Kagami? Come, we can go back to the Soul Society." Yumichika said, a concerned look on face. Why weren't you moving? These were your bestfriends, your family, and you stared at them like they were your enemy.

"I'm sorry." You replied as you hanged your head down. "I can't." You cried.

"What!?" Ikkaku yelled out.

"Why not Kagami?" Yumichika asked.

"I have to go back to him." You answered quickly, wiping your tears with the back of your hand. "I can't leave him behind." You mumbled, and quickly stepped into the garganta.

"Kagami!" Ikkaku and Yumichika yelled, racing towards you to pull you back. But just as they were close to reaching, you stepped further in and disappeared, the garganta closing before them.

"No way..." Yumichika said as he stared at open air now. "She went back to Aizen?"

"Fuck!" Ikkaku screamed out, his fist balled up. "Kagami!"

You stood before the giant white doors in fear. You had made the choice to return, that feeling in your stomach wouldn't leave if you didn't. You had the choice to run, and you were about too. But that look in Grimmjow's eyes, why were his eyes like that? Why did it bring you back here, to the place you hated most?


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