"No, Mummy! Wake up!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.

My eyes shot open at her rudeness. Tay was awake, and could see that my patience was not something that should be tested today.

"Tahlia," he said, grabbing her attention, "let Mummy sleep. Do you want to go downstairs?"

Tahlia nodded, extremely eager. Tay helped her off the bed and walked with her hand in hand out of the bedroom, Tahlia clutching her favourite pink teddy bear from Courtney. Tahlia couldn't get down the stairs without someone opening the protection barrier for her.

With both fiancée and daughter out of the room, I snuggled deeper into the bed covers, trying to shield my body from the cold winter air. I felt myself nodding off, but I wasn't tired enough to fall completely into unconsciousness, so I just lay there with my eyes clamped shut.

Unexpectedly, I felt the doona being raised slightly as Tay crawled back into bed. He had his chest against my back, and he was planting kisses down my cheek and neck. My previous annoyance at my daughter simply melted away as he began nuzzling my neck. I smiled widely as his arms wound around me, pulling me tighter against his chest.

He ceased the kisses he was giving me as he laid his head in the crook my neck made. Quietly, he spoke. "Just in case you were interested," he joked, "your daughter is downstairs with Dallas and Becky. They're going to watch her for the morning." He kissed me a few times more.

"Mmm," I mumbled gladly.

Tay tucked the covers around us, keeping us both snugly warm. I lay there, content in his arms for the next few hours.

Since Tahlia's birth, I hadn't had one sleep-in at all. I couldn't wait until the honeymoon - mornings without a daughter to wake us, as well as nights of extreme pleasure. The thought alone made my cheeks hot.

* * *

I woke again before midday to yet another freezing cold day. It was raining outside and the clouds were dark, emitting an eerie atmosphere.

I opted for a steaming hot shower to prepare my overworked muscles for yet another day of motherhood.

As soon as I shut off the water, I knew that today I was going to tell Taylor to tell me this stupid secret he was keeping from me. I didn't know how, but I knew I would.

I walked downstairs and into the kitchen, where everyone was sitting at the kitchen table, waiting for Becky's minestrone soup to be served. The flavours would send anyone's nose into a state of indulgence.

"Morning, sleepy," Dad greeted me as soon as my presence was discovered.

I blushed lightly before taking my seat next to Taylor, who was feeding Tahlia some sort of sandwich. Amazingly, she was eating it without throwing a fit.

We devoured into the soupy warmth as soon as it was placed in front of us. It was too cold to speak, and so the only noises heard were those of clunking spoons, lips slurping the soup, and the chewing of bread and vegetables. There was the occasional cry of frustration from Tahlia, but she knew her manners - she just didn't want to use them.

Soon enough, everyone was finishing their share of the soup - Dallas finishing his second helping in as much time as everyone else who had only had one bowl. The amount that boy could eat!

Suddenly, I saw the most perfect opportunity to corner Tay.

"I'll clean up the dishes Becky," I said to my stepmother as she began to collect the bowls.

"Aww, thanks Nassy," she beamed, completely sick of washing up, "Maybe your brother," she hit Dallas on the head with a wooden spoon, "and your father," she did the same thing to Dad, "could take a leaf out of your book!" Every male in the room was silent - even Tay. I was the only one grinning, seeing as Becky was fuming and Tahlia was bored out of her brains.

I got up from my seat and began to collect all the bowls, spoons and bread plates. Tay did the same - he always helped out with whatever I was doing. It was as though we were the one person, split into two bodies. I liked the thought of it.

Becky left the kitchen smugly, and Dad followed behind her, almost scared.

"Uncle Dawas," Tahlia called to Dallas, "Can you get me out?!" She was trying to unclip the buckles, but she was yet to figure it out correctly.

"Sure thing, Tahly," he replied, using his nickname for her. He only used it when he was in 'totally cool uncle mode' - as he's put it in so many words.

He walked over to the high chair and lifted her out before ducking out into the lounge room.

I decided to start slowly with my assault of questions on Tay. As I rinsed the dishes under the running tap, he loaded them into the dishwasher.

"Hey, Tay," I began.

"Hey, what?" he replied.

"Do you know that it is only two months?!" I beamed.

He ceased loading the dishwasher, turned the tap off and wrapped his arms around me, pushing my back into the counter. "Of course I know that there are only two short months to go until the magnificent day comes in which I get to put a ring on your finger and call you mine." His lips began to assault mine, and my own did nothing to protest.

But, I held a strong head.

"Mmm, and I want to talk about that," I mumbled against his lips.

"And what would that be?" he asked.

I hesitated, not sure how to put it. My heart told me to drop the subject completely, and focus on marrying him, but my strong head overpowered it, telling me to just say it.

"Nas?" Tay asked after a moment's silence.

I sighed. "What are you and Sean keeping from me?"

His face froze immediately. Pain crossed his eyes, and worry shook his hands.

Minutes of silence passed.

"Tay," I finally breathed, placing my hands over his (which were clutching the bench top firmly). "Tay... I need to know."

"No. You don't." he said fiercely through clenched teeth.

Anger flowed through my veins. "Yes I do! I am about to become your wife Tay! I can't marry you if you're going to keep things from me!"

Instantly, his face showed a torn expression. Torn?! "Nas... You don't need to know this..." he whispered.

"The hell I don't!" I retorted.

"Nas... please..." he tried to reason with me.

"Please what?! Please forget that you're keeping something from me?! Something that is obviously too important to tell YOUR FUTURE WIFE?!" I took a deep breath before continuing. "Let me tell you something instead then: Taylor Elliott, I will not marry you until you tell me whatever it is that you're keeping from me."

He stood away from me and walked backwards until he was leaning against the table. He didn't say a word, though he looked at me with pleading eyes.

My heart felt like it was sinking into the ground. I wanted to take back every word that I'd just spoken, but I also wanted them answered.

"What's worth more to you Tay? Keeping this secret from me, or Tahlia and me?" I walked into the lounge room, leaving him to sift through his options.

The Unexpected Has Arrived! (Unexpected, #2)Where stories live. Discover now