Chapter 6

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“That’s what I thought”

His eyes stayed glued to me, I thought I saw a shadow of a smile play on his lips, but in an instant it was gone. After what felt like hours, but was probably only seconds of glaring at him I was done. I turned around to go to the change rooms. I could feel his eyes burning holes in my back. Huh so he won’t talk to me, but has no problem looking at me?

Don’t do it Eryn”

“I just need a reaction from him Rosie, I just… I – I just need to know if I affect him the same he does me”

 So I made sure to add a little extra wiggle in my step.  Without even thinking twice I dropped my water on purpose. Faking an annoyed grunt I made sure to bend down a little more than necessary, and stand back up a little more slowly. A deep growl vibrated through the room, I was hoping for a reaction, I didn’t expect him to almost lose control of his wolf. Whipping around I stared at him, his eyes were black, and he was struggling to reel his wolf in. Closing his eyes I could see his chest move up and down, taking deep breaths. On the outside I made sure to appear scared but on the inside, I was doing a happy dance.

“Ar-are you okay?”

After a few seconds his eyes snapped open, they were a mixture of black and green.  He narrowed his eyes at me again. I almost couldn’t help the smile that tried to break free. He so was attracted to me! Composing myself again I couldn’t help but taunt him.

“Oh please were back to that? The whole glaring thing?” His eyes narrowed more, but I could detect a tiny bit of amusement. He was just about to grunt at me when I stopped him.

“ Alright tell you what, I’ll save you the grunts, Ill stay out of your way and you stay out of mine, alright?” I couldn’t help the eye roll, he was just so damn annoying, and hot but mostly annoying. He nodded once. Staring at him I thought he would at least say ok, or something. Shaking my head I turned around and headed to the change rooms door. I couldn’t let, well whatever this was, end like that. Making sure to seem nonchalant I turned around once more.

“Oh, by the way when I say we stay out of each other’s way,  that also means no more eavesdropping on private phone calls anymore.”

His lips turned up into a smirk and a nod accompanied it… again

“Wouldn’t want you to overhear something you didn’t like”

With that I strutted into the change rooms.

Sitting back out on the patio I grabbed my phone to call Jake.

“Hey Jakey how was your day?”

“very boring, when can I come visit you Eryn?”

I could hear commotion in the background

“Jake? What is that?”

“Its noth-“

“ERYN what is this? You call Jake but only text me? Come on love, we girls stick together”

“Kelsey! I was going to call you right after I swear!”

After talking with Kelsey, and promising to call her to, Jake jumped back on the cell.

“Eryn, there’s something important I need to tell you”

“What happened Jake?”

“It’s Will, he has been asking about today. I told him I didn’t know where you were, he believed it but I just wanted you to know he was prying, anyways when are you coming home?”

Hearing his name out loud my heart tug, I instantly grabbed at my chest. It’s so easy to forget about my aching heart when I have great distractions. Trying to clear my head, I decided now was the best time to tell Jake.

“Jake... That’s why I called. I want to join Midmoon, once I complete my training my uncle said that we would do the ceremony…”

Letting my voice trail off I knew I wasn’t telling the whole truth. It’s not once I finish my training its IF, and the pack members still get a say… I just hope a few of them warm up to me before then.

“How long is your training Eryn? A year? Maybe two? ” his voice came out as a growl

“Don’t you talk to me like that Jake Hunt! It is my choice and right now I don’t have much else to fall back on. I need this, and you can either accept it and support me or move on and be miserable!”


 I couldn’t help the tears as they started to fall, he was miserable for the same reasons I was, but I was the one causing him misery. That thought alone made me cry harder.

“I’m sorry Jake, it has to be this way, I – I don’t think I should call for a while. We both need to heal”

“I – I know. Don’t cry, please don’t cry... Eryn?”

“I just want you to know I love you, so much. And ill support you with whatever you do. Okay? Just – just don’t forget about us, about me. “

“I could never Jake”

I heard the patio door open, but I was too caught up in my conversation to acknowledge whoever came out on the deck.

“I love you Eryn”

“I love you so much more Jake, and I’m so sorry”

After catching my breath we said our goodbyes. Wiping my eyes and nose on my sleeve I looked up at the sunset. I was surprised to see Mr. Green eyes standing by the door.  His eyes were narrowed at me, again. This is really getting old.

Giving him the once over I turned back towards the sky. I wasn’t expecting to get conversation from him, why would I waste my breath?

“You were right.”

His deep voice startled me

“Wha—about what?”

He full on glared at me …again

“Jesus, what are you two? Your face won’t break if you smile once in a while”

His scowl just deepened. Shoving his hands in his jeans pockets he looked towards the sun setting.

“You were right about me eavesdropping; I won’t anymore, although the first time, it was an accident.”

Still looking towards the sun his eyes shifted over to me, they were glowing green. An playful smirk  over took his scowl.  He looked like an angel, leaning there with the last of the sun beams shining on him.

“Oh, well um thanks… May I ask what changed your mind since you obviously don’t like listening the first time?” I said in a playful tone

His smirk disappeared in an instant. Oh great, good job Eryn.

He turned is body towards me. Gone were the green of his eyes, instead just coal black remained. In a deep growl he said

“You were right; I didn’t like what I heard”

With that he turned around walked back into the house, leaving me confused. Didn’t like what he heard? Shaking my head I headed to my room. It was going to be a grueling workout tomorrow, and the earlier I fell asleep the better.


I know its a little sloppy, im at work and surprisingly quite busy today, so i just wanted to make sure i could get a chapter done :) 

Any feedback would be appreciated!

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