a new start

16 2 0

We got to the stage and we made ourselves comfortable. A few crew members lingered back to clean up a bit more. There was still confetti where the pit was. I was mesmerized by the empty stadium. I couldn't help myself by singing a bit. I started out by singing a song I loved, Missing You by All Time Low.

I heard

you've been

self medicating in the quiet of your room

that sweet suburban tomb

and if you need a friend

I'll help you stitch up your wounds

I heard that you've been

having some trouble finding your place in the world

I know how much it hurts

and if you need a friend

then please just say the word

you've come this far

you're all cleaned up

you've made a mess again

there's no trying time

to sort yourself out

hold on tight

this ride is a wild one

I stopped in the middle when I realized what I was doing. Josh just stared in awe at me.

"What?" I asked with a little bit of nervousness.

"You sounded so hurt while singing, but it was beautiful in a way" he said with sadness in his eyes.

"Um, well thank you"

"So you're a fan of our band? What is your favorite song?"

"Yeah I'm a huge fan, I run a fan acc-" I shut my mouth because that was not supposed to come out.

"What??" he said laughing.

I sighed in defeat, "I run a fan account for you on Twitter, not like stalkerish but just a lil fan account."

"Really?? What is it called!?" he said excitedly.


"okay I'll go follow you right now"

He pulled out his phone and went to the Twitter app. I zoned out after that. I laid down on the stage and looked up. I was getting lost in my own thoughts for a minute or two. I then heard a sigh and looked over. Josh had laid down next to me and was looking up as well. He made eye contact with me and smiled. I totally lost track of time until I felt my phone buzz in my pocket. It was Em.

"Do you need me to drive you home?"

Josh signaled for me to give him my phone. I barely even knew him but I trusted him, so I gave it to him.

"Hey, it's Josh....mhm....okay, so I live not too far from the venue. We can walk there and I can drive her home so you and Brad can hang out a bit longer....okay....you wanna talk to her? okay then, bye."

He hung up the phone but didn't give it back immediately. He tapped on the screen a bit, locked it and his phone buzzed. He gave mine back to me and turned on his phone. It was a text message. Suddenly mine buzzed signaling a text message.

***-***-****:hey 🤘🏼

k:who is this??

*:the red haired person next to you 😂

k:😂😂😂😂😂 you could have asked for my number you know

*contact name changed to "Red"*

thank you again for bearing with this story. leave a comment. and stay street

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