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The show was officially over and I was still confused about the playing card that I held. I saw a Reel Bear Media shirt and tapped the man's shoulder.

"Excuse me, but could you help me figure out what this card means?"

"Who gave that to you? I haven't seen one of those since last tour!" he replied quickly.

"Josh Dun did. I am confused on what it means though"

The man pulled out his phone and called a number.

"Hello...yeah.....okay....I'll tell her....okay, bye"

He hung up the phone and looked at me again. Em stood next time just as confused as I was.

"Follow me, girls," he laughed and started walking.

We followed him as he navigated the hallways behind the stage. He turned a couple of corners and we came face to face with a door. The sign outside of the door read "twenty one pilots" so I assumed it was the dressing room. I just about lost my cool but the man knocked on the door. The door opened as if on cue and there stood Josh Dun. The Josh Dun was in front of us. He was smiling and finally looked at me.

"Thanks Brad for finding her" he said to the man apparently named Brad.

"Anytime Josh, I'm going to go capture this Pokemon gym near the venue, wanna come?" he said to Em.

Em looked at me for permission. I laughed at her puppy dog eyes.

"Sure Em, just call me in a bit" I finally gave in.

"YES! SEE YOU IN A BIT" she winked at me.

While they walked away I remembered Josh was still there. I looked over at him. He was smiling at Brad and Em basically running away from us with phones in hand. His hair was red but it was fading a bit just how I liked it. He stood a couple inches taller than me and was VERY muscular. I'll admit it, he is very attractive. So I got over my nerves and broke the silence.

"Why of all people did you give ME this card?" I asked with a cocked eyebrow.

"Because I heard you singing during Goner. I faintly heard it from my kit and helped me finish playing the song. That song always makes me emotional and hearing you sing it gave me the strength to get through it. I kept that card for someone whom I needed. That's why" he laughed nervously and ran hand through his hair.

That was a lot to process. Joshua Dun needed my help. I had always used the music to help
myself. I never thought that he would need it the same way I did. As I thought of this, the dreaded voice in the back of my head finally spoke.

you don't deserve this. you should leave so he doesn't have to give into your pity party. you are worthless.

Those words finally broke my perfect little world. I had played off like I had a perfect life, but the truth is my life was like the crumbling cement on a bad road. It kept getting worse and worse. My family had fought constantly. I hated myself because I was always at fault for those fights. So I finally broke down. I backed away from the room slowly with tears running down my face. I heard someone calling out at me but I was already running down the hallway.

it's gonna get eventful in the next chapter so be prepared. as always, stay street

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