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Security let us in 30 minutes early. Em and I got through security flawlessly. we then ran to the barricade and got a spot on the left(Josh's side) really close to the barricade. Chef Special came out and was really energetic and got the crowd going a bit. Mutemath was also just as good. I loved the visuals a lot. The singer captivated the audience and owned the stage. After Mutemath was done playing, a white sheet was pulled up so the stage was no longer visible. I looked at Em with panic in my eyes. She held my hand while we waited for the sheet to drop. The whole crowd went from anxious to excited in seconds. The sheet had dropped to reveal the hanging mic, and the clear red drum kit.
The crowd roared when Josh came out and started playing Fairly Local. Tyler then struts out and starts rapping the first verse. I was crying within seconds. Em was singing the words just as loud as I was. The set went really well, and me and Em ended up getting pushed to barricade. When it was time for Goner, I closed my eyes and swayed along to the song.

I'm a goner

somebody catch my breath

Em tapped me on the shoulder. Josh was walking off of his drumkit with a drumstick. He came over to the area where I was, bent down and handed it to me.

"I hear you" he said softly.

He got back up and ran back to the drumkit. Em and I looked at each other and I suddenly couldn't breathe. I could not believe what just happened.

When the piano for Trees started up, so did the waterworks. I was crying, looked over at Em and she was crying as well. My whole mind blanked out during the first half of the song. When I saw Josh hop down off of the stage, the crew member gave us the platform to hold. I, fortunately was just in front of the platform so I held up my hands and cheered. Josh walked over grabbed one of my hands to steady himself as he got on the platform. as he let go of my hand, I noticed a playing card. It was the Queen of Hearts. I put it in my pocket and cheered, I had missed the platform drumming because I was mesmerized by the playing card. Josh grabbed my hand again and I helped him off of the platform. He and Tyler got up on stage, bowed and said their closing phrase,

"We are twenty one pilots and so are you!"

it gets good in the next chapter I promise! thank you for reading. stay street

alien boy and skeleton girlWhere stories live. Discover now