Dont You dare !

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hey Guys !! sorry I havent Updated Lately Its Cause I've Been really Buisy with soccer , dance, high school, homework, dramma, boyfriend (; lol all that good stuff lol . but I Am Doing An update as You See Lol . But im sory If Its not That Good . I've been going through some stuff lately and its not easy . sooooooooo yeahhh thats meeeeeee (: but Like I Said Im Updating But When Your Done dont Forget To VOTE AND COMMENT !!!!! :D <3 PLEASE !!! well Here It Is ;) hope you like it ♥



Jordan's Prov.

I was walking to the office when all of a sudden I smell it . Oh no . Shes Not ... but she cant be ... but it makes sense .... jays in .... Jays In HEAT !
Damn it ! I forgot !. all of a sudden I feel a burn on my lips . oh  hell no ! Someones kissing Jay .

I followed her Amazing scent that made my mouth water and found her pushed against the locker being kissed . and not he awe there dating kinda kiss . its one of those Hes forcing her kisses .

And NOBODY . And I mean NOBODY Touches MY Girl !.

I ran And pushed Him Off Of her . her breathing was heavy and hard . I told Him something But I didn't really pay much attention . I was to buisy thinking about jay being in heat .

Once I was done with the guy I grabbed jay , dragging her , and took her outside the school .

"Let go of me !" she yelled yanking her arm out of my hold . we where outside by my car . "When where you planning on telling me ahout you being in heat ?!" "Umm NEVER !! " "IF you EVER let another person touch you like that again you will regret it ! " I yelled at her . "Why do YOU Care anyways ?!" "BECAUSE I AM YOUR MATE !" I yelled again .

"Like You give a shit anyways ." she gave me a glare . I couldnt stop myself . I started to lean in and kiss her . I had to . I needed to . I went in and did it . her warm lips against mine . I put my hands on her waist and pulled her as close to me as possible .  she wrapped her arms around my neck tangling her fingers in my hair . I licked her bottom lip asking for entrance while she opened her mouth I slipped my tounge in there exploring her mouth .

I can just say one thing . she is amazing . I love her already . I pulled away feeling us being watched . but not in a good way . she whippers at me . I fell the urge to kiss her again but I know better . " ill take you home." "can you take me to your house ?" I was surprised when she said it .. but it filled me with joy . "of course." I said with a smal smile and a peck on the lips .

while she got into the passenger seat I walked around the car looking around the school and got into the drivers seat . 

when we got to my house I opened the door for her and walked her inside holding her hand. I walked straight to my room cause she looked tired . when I got to my room door jay gave me a little smile knowing I brought her here knowing she was tired . I opened the door and see jamie laying on the bed with only one of my shirts and a thong on .

I felt a pain in my heart . I knew it was from jay . she looked at me and I saw tears in her eyes . I shook my Head no but tears continued rolling down her face . "Jay wait !! " I tried stooping her  "DONT YOU DARE TOUCH ME !" she ran out the door .


what you Guys Think ? im gonna updat again tomorrow cause I feel bad this chapter is so short :( sooo yeahh !!! dont forget !! COMMENT AND VOTE !!! :D PLEASE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! LOVE YOU GUYS !!!! :*

    -Jay <3

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