I Love You <3

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hey guys.... umm... this might not be a long one cause yesturday and today is not a good day. umm so yea & Omg over 400 reads!!!:D you guys are amazing and KEEP READING PLEASE!!!!!!(: VOTE AND COMMENT!!!



Jay's Prov.

I woke up this morning with arms wrapped around my waist. I could feel my eyes bulge out of my head. But I felt calm. I turned my head and saw Jordan Laying there looking Peaceful But Sexy at The Same Time.

All Of A sudden a ,"Morning Beautiful." came out of Jordan's mouth making me flinch. I just blushed And Replied,"Morning" With a small smile. " you Feeling any better?" he asked ," Feel any better from what? Wait. Why am In This Room?. Wait Why are You in bed Wih Me?!" I all Of A sudden jumped off the bed and let my back hit the wall.," Baby calm down. Ill explain Everything to you at breakfast." He said starting to get off the bed. "Um first of all im not your baby and second I dont wanna eat breakfast Here. i wanna go home."

"Fine. ill take you home then." his eyes where filled with hurt, pain, and anger. He grabbed his keys that where right by the door. he lead me put of the room. we went down at least 7 flights of stairs. He grabbed 2 jackets and headed oitside the door that lead ouside. we pulled up to a black and yellow Camero. My jaw dropped.

that car was my dream car and He had it.I got into the car at the same time he did. he stared to pull the car out of the big huge red house's drive way.

5 minutes after we left it was still complete silence. I glanced a look at jordan and you could see he was still angry by his facile expression. But if I may say, he Looked really hot when he was mad. I mentally smiled

we pulled into my driveway to my big white and black house. its had 4 floors. one was mine. one was my dad and moms. one was my brothers. And the last one was the kitchen, living room, all that good stuff.

as he stopped in front of my house he just sat there.,"Umm thanks for bringing me home." I said kinda shyly. ,"Its fine." You can hear anger in his voice. ,"Look im sorry if I got you mad but-" I got cutt off to a yelling jordan,"I SAID DONT WORRY ABOUT IT SO CAN YOU JUST GO NOW?!" he used his Alpha Tone.

I flinched At The tone. I was hurt. scared. ,"Im sorry im so sorry I didn't mean to-" I Cutt him off. i oppened the door and got out of the car. you could see him doin the same thing to finish what he was saying but I didn't let him." YOU KNOW IF YOU DIDN'T WANT ME AS A MATE THEN ALL YOU HAD TO DO WAS JUST TELL ME!." I Yelled at him with tears running down my face. after I was done I ran away and into my house. I locked the door  and ran to my room. With my wolf hearing I could hear Jordan callin out for me.I closed my door and locked it. I was screaming and crying my heart out. good thing my walls are sound proof.

Jordan's Prov.

She thinks I dont love her... she thinks I dont want her as a mate?!. Seein her crying broke my heart. I love her with EVERYTHING In me. I want her to be mine and mine only.

Luis My Beta Broke my thoughts And mind-linked me

'Alpha we have a problem.'

'What is it?'

'Rouges on our territory.'

'Fuck. Are you Sure?'

'Yes Alpha.'

'Ill be at the pack house in 30 minutes. Gather the pack and our warriors.'

'Yes Alpha.'

with that the conversation ended. I got into the car and left. the only thing I could honestly think about was jay... I need her.. she needs to be with me.. I pulled into the pack house drive way. I got out the car and went straight to my office. the Pack was In There. as I walked throught the door they started bowing there head in respect. as I got to the front they lifted there heads. "As you All may no, we have found Rouges on our territory." I heard growls and bickering.  " But we will NOT Let this affect us." They all just nodded there heads. "We will have our warriors guard our territory. If they find a rouge Kill them if they mean any harm." I see all of them just nod in agreement again. "With that said, warriors,  our lives lay in your hands." the warriors bowed there heads and left the room. " You all are excused." I said after the warriors left first.

I just sat down in my chair as I watched everybody leave. I felt someone hand on my shoulder. I turned to see my beta luis with his mate. WAIT HE HAS A MATE?!?!? WHEN THE FUCK DID THIS HAPPEN?!. "And who Is this beautiful lady?" The girl blushed and answered as luis had a low growl when I called her beautiful. "Hi My names Julia" she said it with a small smile and her arm extended to shake mine I took it and shook it.

"Luis we're gonna transfer schools." He gaved me a confused look. "I hurt my... and I need to make things right. plus anytime now She sould be going into heat." "yea you have a point. So what school are we going to?"

"Lake View high school." I heard a gasp come from julia and a Hugesmile formed on her face.," What is it baby?" Luis asked her," Where gonna be going to the same school then!" she then smiled even bigger and hugged him.

"Well you guys should go eat breakfast." I told them. they just nodded there heads and left.

I spent the whole day thinking about jay. I need her. I want her. most of all.... I LOVE Her.

Thats when I felt a sharp pain in my area. Oh Shit. JAYS IN HEAT.


So what you guys think?:D DONT FORGET TO COMMENT AND VOTE!!!!!! PLEASE!!! and of course read it lol well love you guys <3 And thanks for reading!! I Hope you guys liked it!!! But Again VOTE AND COMMENT


Wait Im Who's MATE?!Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin