chapter 2

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Chapter 2

I woke up with not a worry. Glancing at the clock I realized it was 5:42 and that I had three minutes to get to breakfast. King my head, I debated on whether I’d be able to take a shower in two and still get dressed and run down the stairs in one.

Three weeks ago, I had moved in with my Dad and he was always on a strict schedule. He and Bill never strayed away from keeping me on track and I soon found myself in a normal routines. Chores were apparently big here, but I didn’t mind too much. Like yesterday, I got to move hay all day. Yeah it was hard work, but I kind of enjoyed it. Make me feel all strong and stuff.

Quickly thinking about the pros and cons of being late for breakfast, I decided that a short jump in the shower wouldn’t hurt. Since I had my own room, I also had my own bathroom, well sorta. It was connected to another room, but I liked to think that it was mostly mine.

As soon as I was out, I glanced at the clock again. It was 5:55. Since I was definitely running late now, I pulled my hair into a messy ponytail and put on a pair of pants that fit me just right, with a blue tank top, decked out in white and black hearts. The tank top was a little tight, but oh well.

I left my bedroom and was walking downstairs when I saw a photo of my brother. He looked so happy and suddenly I felt like crying, but I held it in. I missed him a lot. I turned towards the hallway that connected to the kitchen and saw Dad put up a picture of me riding Milk-dud and him in back. I walked to the kitchen to see my plate with eggs and two pieces of bacon. I didn’t normally eat breakfast but today I was hungry. I sat down and began eating.  Dad took a seat and picked up the newspaper, but then set it right back down.

“My nephew is coming to work on the ranch,” Bill announced, eyeing my forkful of eggs.

“Okay. When is he getting here?” I asked as Dad looked at me silly. What was up with them?

“Actually we have to pick him up today around seven,” Dad said. I looked at the clock and finished my breakfast.

“I’m going to go ride Milk-dud,” I stated, getting ready to stand up and go outside.

“Sit back down,” Dad ordered. I hadn’t rode Milk-dud since I first got here. I really wanted to go ride. “I’ve decided that you will have chores like Billy’s nephew. I’m going to make a list for you and they must be done twice a day or you will be grounded. You are not to ride a horse without a saddle or without proper footwear. Especially Milk-dud.

I never trusted that horse.”

“What about school?” I asked, wanting to change the subject.

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