"Yeah...I haven't. I'm not really familiar with this kind of stuff. I have people who shops for me. I just tell them what I need and they deliver." I replied shyly rubbing the back of my head.

"Here." She said while giving me a can.

I just stared at it and found it familiar. I think this is the same as what we have at home.

"That's the same as what you have at your house. I think I can recall some of the similar items at your place so don't worry. We got this." She said.

I knew it.

After a few minutes we got what we needed and went to the cashier.

"Do you want to grab something to eat?" I asked.

"Yeah sure" She replied smiling.

It's rare that I see her smile genuinely. It makes me forget my problems and make me feels like I'm not a bad person at all which I truly am.

"So what do you want for snacks?"

"Anything would do."

"I know. What about we go eat burgers and fries?" I suggested as she just nodded at my idea.

I grabbed her hand while walking. I noticed she seemed a little shocked at first but then she got used to it.

We took a sit near the glass wall.

"Are you comfortable? Staying with me and all?" I asked.

"I am. Why'd you ask?" Nathalia asked.

"It's just that I want to tell you the truth about me. I'm not a good person. I know that you know that I'm a mafia leader and all. But I'm capable of doing pretty bad things. Bad things that can mess up someone's life real bad" I said staring into her eyes looking for any fear at all.

But I found nothing but compassion on her eyes and I find it real overwhelming.

Every time I see someone especially in the mafia. All I can see in their eyes is fear.

Fear of me. Fear of losing their life.

I never really wanted to be like this.

Then I realize that all they see when they see me is a monster.

"Hey hey are you alright. You seem like something is bothering you." Nathalia said while waving her hand infront of my face that made me snap back to reality.

"Yeah..." I answered disregarding the that thoughts that are running through my mind.

"The waiter was asking what you want" She stated.

"Oh 1 cheeseburger and a large fries and cola for the drink" I said giving him the menu.

The waiter just nodded and went away.

"Are you sick?" Nathalia asked.

"No no I'm fine" I said smiling at her.

"If your not feeling well we can go home already we can just take it to go"

"No it's fine really. I was just thinking about something but it's fine I just got distracted that's all." I said.

After a few minutes our order arrived. We ate in silence and I noticed Nathalia glancing every now and then.

I phone suddenly buzzed.

Harry : Boss the gang is all ready.

I just noticed that it was already afternoon by now. Time passes by so quickly when I am with her.

To : Harry

Alright I'll just take Nathalia home and I'll be there. Text me where.

We were just exchanging glances and awkward smiles every now and then and just minding the food.

I was looking around checking if there was anyone looking suspicious.

There was never really a "safe" place for me. The word safe doesn't exist in my dictionary. It was just less risky.

Living this kind of life is always spontaneous you never really know when you are going to get hit by a bullet in the head.

I noticed she was finished eating and was just looking around the restaurant. Checking if there were any familiar faces. From years of experience. I have learned to familiarize myself with the persons I work with whether it's an enemy or a foe in the mafia world business.

I cleared my throat and spoke.

"C'mon let's go home." I said standing up and assisting Nathalia.

"Okay." She replied slightly smiling.

I assisted her and pulled back her chair. She stood up and brushed off her shirt then looked at me.

"Thank you." She said.

As we were walking out the mall to the carpark I saw some familiar faces till I saw someone.

"Sh*t!" I hissed.

I immediately pulled Nathalia closer to me and held her at a protective stance.

There were suspicious looking men roaming around.

They are here.


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