"I'm sorry."

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Everything went black for a brief amount of time. You then found yourself awakening on the ground in a white room, with lines of blue, green, and red coding running along the wall; disappearing only to reappear once again in a different location.

"Where... am I?" You said into the seemingly empty room.
You stood up, and began to walk around the small place, touching the walls. The wall itself felt smooth, but it wasn't cold nor hot. It was a mixture of the two, perfectly balanced between. The lines of code split, avoiding where you made contact with the wall. You stared silently in fascination at the new environment you were suddenly transported to. It was quiet, and it felt lonely. But it was a nice tranquil area.

"So, this is what that 'cube' was, huh?" You said softly to no-one in particular.
You jump at the sudden sound of a booming voice that broke the peaceful silence.
"Glitch...?" You said, hoping for a response. You looked and tried to locate the source of the voice, but to no avail.
"Yeah, it's me." The voice said, much calmer this time. The coding then rushed and gather in the centre of the room, and bonded together to form a structure similar to a man. It was Glitch. He looked odd in this state; he was just an outline of his actual self. No solid colour of his clothing, hair, or pale skin. It was just red, green, and blue text compiled together.

"Solidify. 3D model accurate irl."
The outline of him started to change and shift from being 2D to 3D. The odd symbols and numbers began to turn into his clothes and skin. After a minute or two (time here seemed to be slightly warped) Glitch stood there, in place of the coding.
"Hey." He said to you.
"Hi." You replied, avoiding his piercing gaze.
"You shouldn't be here you know," He said sternly. "You're gonna die if you don't leave soon."
You tensed up a bit at the word 'die'. But, you decided that you had to fix this. You sighed, and walked over to a corner of the room. You sat down, and he followed shortly after you.

"Alright. It's about time I got this straight with you." You said, surprised at your voice sounding this strong.
"Be quick," He warned. "You've got around 7 minutes before you're toast here."
The atmosphere was unpleasant. There was a tension between you two and you didn't like it. It made you feel uneasy, but you continued on.
You took a deep breath.

"Basically, Dark asked me if I would be part of a huge plan he would have going on." You paused briefly, feeling unsure of whether to carry on. You then resumed. "Of course, I said yes. With him being a good friend and all, I saw no reason as to why not. Anyway, he explained to me that he loves Anti, but he can't confess to him straight up cause that will ruin his so called 'street cred' that he values highly with the other ipliers. I thought he was kidding about this 'street cred', but when I saw the expression on his face he was really serious."
You glanced over towards Glitch. He's staring off elsewhere, but he's listening intently. "6 mins." He whispered.

"So I ended up going with him a LOT. The plan was to lure Anti out, but with him being tsundere and all, he wouldn't confess straight up. We then thought he would ask someone to set HIM up with Dark. We placed our bets on it being you, since you had fairly close relations with Dark. But, it then backfired. Our one flaw in our plan is that we didn't consider your feelings about this. I'm sorry. I should've told you. You acted on your own, and it kinda ruined the plan a little."
Glitch winced at the thought of him being left out.
"Continue," he said. "5 mins."

"So, then you called up Anti. You had known about his feelings for Dark, and the fact that he was tsundere so you had some fun there, so I'm assuming that you set him up to interrupt me and Dark's 'Date'. He complied without a single hint of hesitation, if I'm right?"
You look up to Glitch, and he nods to confirm what you said.
"So it worked. Even though it went wrong in a sense, it worked itself out. However, when I got back you were acting strange. I wasn't able to tell you about AntiDark becoming cannon. Then, I found out what really happened when I got angry at you for not trusting me with Dark, and you got angry at me for always 'sneaking off with him'. You then know what happened after. You went here, I followed, held onto you, got transported, and now we're here. On the floor. A broken couple."

He put his arm around you, and smiled weakly. "It's ok Y/N, I forgive you. And I'm very sorry for just overreacting like that, without hearing you out." You smiled happily, and hugged him back lovingly. "I forgive you too." You whispered.

The two of you sat there for a while like that, enjoying the other's company. Until, Glitch suddenly leaped up. "Y/N, you need to go." He said, looking down at you. "You've got 3-2 minutes remaining." He held his hand out; you gladly took it. Pulling you up, he began to speak the command that would let you out.
"Entity Y/N. Locate. Materialise matter irl. Transfer."
He looked over at you. Judging from his expression, he was waiting for something.

"Commencing process." Said a robotic voice.
"Entity Y/N recognised."
"Entity located."
A light blue light caught your eye; it was your body, giving off pulsing rays. Glitch laughed slightly at your surprised expression. You stuck your tongue out at him, smiling playfully.
"Entity materialising."
"Entity being transfered."
You could feel your body beginning to disappear. It was an odd feeling, mainly tingling like pins and needles. "Bye Y/N!" Glitch said sweetly. "I'll see you on the oth-"

Glitch's happy expression dropped.
"How long till errand 'FIX' is completed?" Glitch asked the AI, voice sounding quiet and weak.
"Computing." It replied.
"Approx. 10-15 minutes."
You couldn't believe this. You were so close to leaving. Everything was going to be alright! It was going to be fine now. But, not anymore.

"Glitch," you said softly and calmly to him. "What's gonna happen now?" You can barely see him. Your tears rolling down your face messed up your vision.
However, you saw him walk over to you, and he wrapped his arms around you; pulling you into a loving embrace.
"Temperature regulator: on." He whispered.
The white floor below you shocked your feet: it was almost as cold as ice. But, more importantly, you could feel Glitch's body warmth. And a cold liquid dripping?

Wiping your tears, you looked up to see Glitch... also crying. You wiped his too, improving his vision. "You're gonna de-materialise here, Y/N. You're gonna die..." He said, setting off yet another stream of tears. "A minute." He said, sniffling. You clutched him closer, listening to the all too real sound of his heart and breathing. He held you tightly, feeling as if he would loosen up one bit, he would lose you forever.

"Y/N, thank you. And I'm sorry. I'm so lucky to have someone like you in my life. Being with you, has made me feel... Loved. I've never really felt emotion before, and you've helped me go a long way."
You could feel your body beginning to shut down.

"I was alone. I felt that no-one would understand, or even LOVE me. You've given me these things, and it's more then I could ever ask for from this damn world."
You were beginning to lose feeling in your legs.

"So, when I mustered the courage to ask, and when you said 'Yes! I'll be your boyfriend!', I felt like the happiest thing alive. You gave me a place in this world. In a world where I'm not welcome. Where I'm forced to hide in the shadows from people who hated a freak like me."
You couldn't stand. He supported you.

"But, this is how I've treated you. I led you to your death. I swore I would protect you. Instead, you're here. Dying. And it's my fault."
You couldn't feel his warmth.

"I'm shutting down when you're gone. I can't forgive myself for what I've done. And, as cheesy as this sounds, I can't live without you."
Before you completely lost your grip on this world, you managed to say to him:
"I'm sorry. I love you, so much. I'm sorry."
You couldn't feel the tears rolling down your face, or the one's that were dripping onto yours.

"I love you." You heard him say, before everything went black.

"I'll see you in the afterlife, Y/N."
"System shutdown."

The cube in the room exploded, and the apartment was left empty.

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