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"Are you using protection?" Seungcheol asks, looking at Chan seriously and Chan groaned.

"Why does it matter if I use protection or not?"

"Because you don't need to be getting anyone pregnant in grade ten, Chan." 

"I won't get anyone pregnant if I don't use protection, trust me." 

"How can you be so sure?" 

"I don't know" Chan chuckles. 

"This isn't funny Chan, what if you get someone pregnant? You'll have to take care of a baby at the age of sixteen." Seungcheol explains. 

"Yeah, yeah, whatever Seungcheol" Chan says in a tone like he didn't care at all, starting to stand up to get off of his bed. 

"Chan, don't leave the room" Seungcheol says in anger, leaning forward and grabbing a hold of Chan's wrist, dragging him back down to sit down onto the bed. 

"What do you want Seungcheol, can you just leave me alone?!" 

"What about the marks on your wrists and the burn marks, what're those from?" Seungcheol asks, still holding tightly onto Chan so he couldn't leave. 

"The wounds are from a year or so ago, for some reason my scars don't fade, I don't do that shit anymore so don't worry" Chan explains, trying to make it clear for Seungcheol. 

"How can I believe that...?" Seungcheol asks, still eyeing Chan down questioningly. 

"Well then just believe my word, I don't do that stuff, okay?" 

Seungcheol staid quiet for a while before clearing his throat and thinking about if he should really ask the next thing or not, but decided to anyway. "Why did you hurt yourself in the first place?" 

Chan sighed, trying to wiggle his wrist out of Seungcheol's grip but Seungcheol wouldn't let go. "Everyone is stupid when they're young, I'm older and when I look back on why I did it, it was stupid. You don't need to know the reason if it's stupid." 

"I want to know the stupid reason" Seungcheol says seriously while looking into Chan's eyes. 

Chan looked back into Seungcheol's eyes for a couple of seconds before sighing and getting more comfortable on the bed to sit properly. "I don't know why you even want to know about my past, it's something that shouldn't concern you. Especially these." Chan huffs in a tone like he didn't want to tell Seungcheol. 

Seungcheol sighed and looked down, taking his other hand and placing it on Chan's thigh. Once doing so he then slowly looked up back into Chan's eyes and says "I want to know...because I care about you Chan. I want to know more about you, I want to learn everything about you." 

Chan looked back into Seungcheol's eyes but couldn't handle it and looked off to a side to hide his expression and chuckled a bit. "What...what's so funny?" Seungcheol asks, hearing Chan's laughter. 

"It's nothing..." 

"No, tell me why you're laughing."

"I don't know, I think it's just funny that someone like you would like to know something so irrelevant." 

"It's not irrelevant to me, I want to know. So will you tell me?" 

Chan continued to look the other way not facing Seungcheol and sighed deeply. He then explains "the reason at the time why I hurt myself...was because I wasn't in the best family situation." 

"Wasn't in the best family situation?" Seungcheol repeats, looking at Chan confused. 

"My mom wasn't always butterflies and rainbows Seungcheol, do you actually believe she was?" Chan asks, turning his head back to Seungcheol so he was looking back at him. 

"I kind of figured she wasn't...but what exactly did she do?" Seungcheol asks curiously. 

"I'm not about to tell you my life story Seungcheol" Chan says, he was the one sounding serious now. 

"What about the burn marks on your body...those don't look so old. Some of them look like they're starting to fade but most of them look recent. How did you even make those burn marks anyway?" 

"You want to know how I make the burn marks?" Chan asks, getting up off of his bed once again. 

"Where are you going?" Seungcheol asks, leaning forward and grabbing Chan's forearm so he couldn't walk away again.

"Chill man, I'm showing you how I make the burn you not want to know?" Chan asks and Seungcheol hesitantly let go of Chan's forearm. 

Chan smirked while walking over to his backpack and pulling out a pack of cigarettes with a lighter. 

"You smoke?" Seungcheol asks in a surprised tone. 

"You don't?" Chan asks in a chuckle, sitting down onto his bed and pulling out a cigarette. He then lit the cigarette and brought it up to his lips, holding it in his mouth. 

"Ch-Chan, you know those can ruin your lungs, it could give you cancer!" Seungcheol says in a serious tone. 

"I don't care...want one?" Chan asks with the cigarette still in mouth and holding the pack in front of Seungcheol for him to take.

"I don't smoke" Seungcheol answers, pushing the pack away from himself. 

"You're such a loser" Chan says, bringing the pack back to himself and blowing out a puff of smoke. 

"I'm not a loser because I want to be healthy" Seungcheol says, coughing as Chan blew the puff of smoke into his face. 

"Yeah whatever you say Mr.Goody-two-shoes." Chan chuckles, taking the cigarette out of his mouth and pressing it against his forearm to put it out. 

"Ch-Chan!" Seungcheol exclaims, looking at Chan like he was crazy for doing so. He looked down at what Chan was doing and then up at Chan's face. 

It was written all over Chan's face that it was uncomfortable. You could tell it was painful but he didn't let out a scream. "Th-that's how I do it since you wanted to know" Chan explains in a painful tone, coughing a while after. 

Seungcheol snatched the cigarette away from Chan's hand before Chan could do anything more and looked at Chan seriously. "You shouldn't do that Chan, doesn't it hurt?!" 

"It does, but in a weird way I like the pain" Chan explains in a smirk. 

"You're so weird...why would you like such pain?!" Seungcheol questions in a shocked tone. 

"I don't know, I just do. I can't explain why I like it." Chan says, now laying down onto his bed. 

"Dose your mom know you smoke?" 

"Of course she knows I smoke, she's walked into my room a couple times while I was smoking. She doesn't like it but it's not like she stops me either. She didn't want you or your dad to find out, but in all honesty I don't care if you guys find out or not." Chan explains in the same tone from before like he didn't care. 

"You know what...let's do something together." 

"I already told you I don't want to be seen hanging out with a loser like you Seungcheol" Chan explains with no emotion in his voice. 

"I know but how about we play some videogames?" 

"Videogames...your dad took mine away, remember?" Chan asks in an annoyed tone.

"I have some...let's play them in my room." 

"Really, you do?" Chan asks, once he heard Seungcheol had videogames in his bedroom, he looked at Seungcheol surprised and eager.

"Yeah...come on" Seungcheol says, getting up and walking to Chan's bedroom door to leave Chan's bedroom and Chan quickly followed behind. 


Hey guys, you can see Dino's home life hasn't always been good, and you can now tell S.coups is trying to get closer to Dino and now he knows some stuff about him. Thank you for being patient with my updates I know they take long

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