Chapter Three

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A few days passed and it was already Friday, the day before the party.

Each day in the past week consisted of Michael writing Luke small letters to him and putting it in his locker to read.

Michael would write about how happy Luke made him, to the little things he noticed about him, and to how much he loved him.

And basically, that was it.

It doesn't seem like a lot to talk about, but each letter he wrote he had something to say about him.

Michael loved being able to do that; to write to his love and tell him how much he's affected him.

Getting up from his bed, Michael dressed up in some black skinnies, a black pocketed shirt, and a denim jacket before calling Calum and asking if he'd like to go out and eat. Michael left the house once Calum agreed to meet him there.

They ended up meeting halfway and walked the rest of the path together.

Fnally arriving at Bento, they sat down in a booth in the middle of the room.

The waiter came by and handed them menus to order from. As they opened up their menus and looked through, Michael glanced up at the door in time to see Luke and his friends walk in.

Calum constantly teased Michael about stalking Luke on everything but he honestly wasn't that creepy. Sure, he had his social media notifications on but you do that with friends and other people, right?

After ordering what him and Calum usually take, Michael glanced back at Luke to admire him.

Luke's hair was styled nicely, while his beard was trimmed a bit.

He wore a navy tank top that outlined his biceps that Michael wished so badly to lick, his regular black skinnies, and a pair of nice boots.

Michael caught himself before he could let out what would be a loud moan, right then and there in public.

Luke was sat down at a big booth in the front of the place with a bright smile on his face, talking to his pals.

They ordered their food and started to chat, conversing about the party being held at Dawson's house.

Michael looked away, looking up at Calum. With a smile, Calum shook his head.

"Of course you'd take me somewhere where Luke was," he commented.

Michael giggled and blushed lightly.

Their sushi was brought to them and Michael quickly dove in, eager to eat the delicious rolls he ordered.

He had eaten almost the entire bento while Calum was still picking at the white rice ball next to his chicken

When he was done eating, he glanced up to see Luke looking back at him.

Michael ducked his head down and shrinked, shoving his body below the table to hide his face.

He could feel his cheeks warm up, a faint color of red scattered along his cheeks.

"Oh, fuck," he whispered.

Calum and the waiter gave him a weird look before scooping up his plate.

In embarrassment, Michael sat up straight and tried his best to avoid looking at Luke.

Not being able to contain himself, he looked up to see that Luke wasn't looking at him anymore.

Shaking his head to himself, Michael quickly got up and looked down at Calum.

"You ready to go?" he asked.

Calum nodded and got up also, thanking Michael for paying for their meals.

Michael started to walk forward but slowed down when he realized he hadnto go past Luke and his friends.

He couldn't believe that Luke looked at him for one second and now he's all of a sudden acting like a freak.

Groaning quietly, he clutched his phone and friend's hand tightly by his side and quickly walked down the row.

Michael couldn't help but notice Luke glance at him which made him wince.

When he finally reached the front doors, he pushed them open and started to immediately walk home with Calum by his side.

"Pfft, how gay can that guy be," Sean laughed, the rest of the table joining him in laughter except Luke, who put on a fake smile and chuckled quietly.

"So, that's all?"

"Yeah, pretty much. Don't forget to bring the drinks, though. My brother hid his stash from me and for some fucking reason, I still can't buy alcohol," Dawson said.

Jack laughed and nodded his head.

"Right. But hey, your birthday's in two weeks.

They all cheered as Dawson smiled.

"That's right! I'm finally gonna be eighteen."

"The second to last birthday of our group." Jack said, faking wiping a tear.

Luke grinned.

Dawson's birthday was in February and there were no more birthdays until the summer which meant Luke's birthday.

"I can't wait till I'm eighteen."


"Oh, god, he saw me! Hemmings looked straight at me! Did you see?" Michael screamed.

"Jesus Christ, Michael. Don't fucking scream in my ear," Calum winced and moved away from him.

"But he looked at me," the boy whispered, glancing up at his friend with a cute pout on his lips.

Immediately after Michael and Calum had left Bento, they went straight to Calum's house to hangout some more.

Michael rambled on and on about what it felt like when he looked at him.

"Even from a few feet away, he eyes looked so bright and blue and they captivated me," Michael sighed in content.

Giving a weird look, Calum shook his head and pushed michael onto the bed.

"Stop talking about that asshole and help me find something to wear."

They spent the next twenty minutes trying to figure out what Calum should wear.

It would have been easier if Calum didn't slap everything Michael offered out of his hand, saying "It just isn't right."

Finally, Calum decided on an 'Anxiety' tank top and a pair of ripped black skinnies, making Michael roll his eyes.

"That was the first tank I offered you dumbass."

Calum shrugged his shoulders and ignored Michael.

"You should get going, it's already eleven. A friend of mine is taking us so we'll be at your house around seven."

Nodding, Michael said a quick goodbye before retreating out of Calum's house and to his own, ready to go to sleep and dream about Luke.

fuck this is shitty

i legit didn't update on time bc i couldn't decide what shirt i wanted calum to swear smh

i don't really like this book anymore so i might just delete it :/ thoughts?

if you want, vote, comment, and share and tell me your opinions on this chapter :-)

-isabell xx

EDITED 6/16/18

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