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Michael had fallen in love. Again. And again.

Now, again, with the boy who had a hot lip ring on his pale, pink and plump lips. The boy who had soft looking blonde hair that always looked elaborately coiffed and finger-running worthy. The boy who had a pair of eyes that were an icy blueness. The boy who had a somewhat short stubble. The boy who had no abs yet good-looking biceps. The boy with a pair of long legs and daddy calling worthy.

Luke Hemmings.

Luke Hemmings is the typical bad boy and heartthrob of King's Valley High School. And like every typical bad boy and heartthrob, every girl wanted to be with him and every guy wanted to be him. Luke was also a slight narcissistic asshole who would do anything, including manipulating, deceiving, and exploiting others to get what he wanted.

Not only students but even teachers find themselves charmed and wrapped around Luke's fingers; which was the only obvious reason he got good grades in any of his classes.

Michael thought about Luke almost every day; Luke was in his head twenty-four-seven and nothing could get him from out of his head.

More than often when the punk rock boy walked down the halls with his group of friends all sporting black leather jackets and laughing their perfect laughs, Michael would find himself staring at Luke admiringly and wantingly, imagining what it would be like together; how it would feel and what joy it would bring him.

Michael thought Luke was amazing, handsome, sexy, breathtaking, gorgeous and any adjective usable in the world that can describe a perfect human being.

Sometimes Michael wanted to go up to Luke, grab his face and kiss the hell out of those godlike lips he was given but so many things stopped him.

In addition to this, they were different people: polar opposites. Their lives contradicted. 

Luke lived a badass life wearing badass leather jackets, had badass friends, and did badass things.

Michael was a kitten who enjoyed doing cute things with his cute friends in cute places.

No one like Luke would go for a boy like Michael.


"Get your ass up!" screamed Calum as he jumped up and down on the bed.

Michael awoke with a jolt, wincing at the sudden pain in his ear.

"Finally! I swear, if I had a penny for every minute it took me to wake you up, I'd be a millionaire."

Groaning, the blonde haired boy sat up and rubbed at his eyes weakly before pushing Calum off the bed.

Michael pushed the covers off himself, stood up and made his way to the closet to slip on a simple Green Day shirt and a pair of black skinny jeans. Not exactly the best and cutest outfit he wore, but he didn't have the time.

Running down the stairs with Calum behind him, Michael quickly found his combat boots and slid them on before grabbing his backpack and making his way out of the house.

Since neither Calum or Michael had a car, and both dreaded taking the bus, they would walk together in the morning.

They chatted on the way, Michael mostly talking about his love for Luke, and Calum talking about how much he loved his sister for doing his laundry every weekend.

The two boys found themselves in front of the school in less than twenty minutes and walked up the stairs and through the front doors.

It was already close to the time that school started so it was no surprise that everyone crowded the halls.

Michael grabbed Calum's hand and tugged it forward as he tried to get to their lockers, conveniently placed next to each other.

"Slow down, I can't catch up," panted Calum.

"Slow-poke-" Michael came to an abrupt stop as he collided head first into someone standing in the hall.

The hallways suddenly became silent. Calum let go of Michael's hand in shock and backed up while Michael shook his head and looked up.

There he was, Luke Hemmings, staring down at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You okay there, mate?"

Michael wanted to throw up.


"Yeah, he's fine. Didn't get enough sleep last night," answered Calum as he grabbed Michael's shoulder.

Luke gave Michael a shiny smile and chuckled.

Michael felt his stomach twist and his breathing quicken as he stared into the man's piercing blue orbs.

"Well, taking a nap in class always help." and with that, Luke walked away with his group of friends.



"Hemmings fucking smiled at me."

"Michael, he smiles at everyone. It's all apart of his character,"

"You just had to ruin this moment for me, didn't ya?"


"Do it! What's the worst that could happen?" asked Calum.

Michael gave his friend a blank look, "Hemmings could figure out it was me, call me a gay faggot, humiliate me in front of the whole school and end my life. Or, even worse-"

"Stop overthinking it. Just try it out," Calum shook his head, sighed and closed his locker.

"No, I'm not gonna write it."



The sound of the bell ringing told the boys that it was time to head to their next class.

Both Calum and Michael trudged towards their next class; the same class Luke was in.

"Please, Michael? You never know."

"Fine," groaned Michael, "But I don't see why you want me to write it."

They quickly pushed their way through the people scattered around the halls and to their classroom. After finding their regular spots in the back, they waited for the teacher to come in.

Class eventually started and everyone took out their books but as usual, Michael took out his journal but this time not to doodle, but to write.

Before moving his pencil across the paper in front of him, Michael looked up and smiled softly at the back of Luke's head.

Dear Hemmings,

I adore you. You mean so much to me and you don't even know it. I love the way your hair looks so soft, how plump and kissable yours lips look, and how good you look in those goddamn skinny jeans.

You make me so happy every day. You never talk to me or even look at me but today you saw me and you smiled. You might smile at everyone but that smile was bright and it brightened up my day. It made my day. And I want to thank you so much for that.

I hope you have a good day tomorrow.

boy who likes you

Nodding his head approvingly, Michael tore off the page, folded it, and spent the morning waiting till lunch to slip it into Luke's locker.

wow a new and cliché book, what a surprise!!¡¡!!

let me know if you guys like it or not?? please do bc i dont know if i really should write this and it really depends on your guy's thoughts!

vote and comment 💕

- isabell x

EDITED 6/16/18

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