-antisocial pessimist

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I keep my distance
For the fear of being hurt
By those I let my walls down for

Fearing Betrayal by the ones I love
Fearing the pain will be sore.

I am detached from worldly
Possessions because they cause pain with lost.

I'm an Antisocial Pessimist a title that has a cost.

Foreboding thoughts galore.
I come off as Unfriendly and Unsympathetic for sure.

I am unapproachable to those with judging eyes.
I am unsympathetic to those who's needs are met.
I am withdrawn so that no one can see my past.
I am antisocial due to my observant nature.
I am a pessimist because of my foreboding mind.

I am a Antisocial Pessimist a title that has a cost

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