The Unusual Neighbour

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I have this neighbour and she's a little...unusual. Her name is Juvia Loxar. You will almost always see her with a hat of some sort nestled on top of her baby blue locks and some type of clothing protecting her extremely fair skin from the harsh sun. She also has soft pink lips and deep blue eyes. In one word, she is beautiful.

Juvia is a close friend of my sister, Erza Scarlet, so I know quite a bit about her, but the thing that I wish I didn't, is her unhealthy obsession with the man that lives over the road from us, Gray Fullbuster. Don't get me wrong, Juvia is a lovely woman, but she takes her crush on him a little too far. Every time you try to have a conversation with her, the only thing she will talk about is her darling Gray and she constantly stalks him.

Once, for an entire week, she baked shortbread with his face on them until he would eat them. She knitted him a scarf made of the softest grey wool I had ever felt and it was about the only gift he really smiled about when he received it. She constantly made little dolls of him and other household items that resembled him in some or other way. Even after being constantly and bluntly told by Gray that he didn't feel the same way about her, she just continued being her cheery and obsessive self (much to Gray's dismay).

My husband, Rogue Cheney, often told me that he refused to step into her house and that his precious wife, Tammy, should never go alone should I never come out. I would just laugh him off and say that it was just her way of showing affection, just like his was being overly protective of me.

I think the thing that shocked everyone the most was the day that we found all of her Gray related items in her big dustbin outside. We were confused, to say the least until one night, I was closing the blinds in the front of the house when I saw Gray's figure cautiously glance from side to side before he dashed across the road and over to Juvia's house. He furiously rang the doorbell before she opened up and dragged him inside. Rogue said he saw a ruffled Gray dart over the road and back into his house early the next morning. The pieces were slipping together and I knew what was going on.

These little acts went on for weeks before the couple announced that they were together and Gray moved into Juvia's home. Everyone but me was shocked at this new revelation but were just happy that Gray had finally accepted Juvia.

The weeks turned into months and they announced their engagement at around the same time I fell pregnant with our first child. I passed a joke that I hoped that I would be able to fit into a bridesmaid dress. Juvia was ecstatic, Gray was debating whether it was a good idea or not and of course Rogue had gone into super protective mode, watching me like a hawk 24/7.

At the wedding, Juvia was wearing a beautiful white dress with intricate beading spiralling down the front and a short train. I was glad that they had managed to tailor the dress to my size but the standing was uncomfortable. After the I do's, the baby was so excited that my water broke and I was rushed to hospital by a frantic Rogue. It was quite the sight to see newly weds, bridesmaids, groomsmen and an entire congregation of elegantly dressed people sitting in the waiting room.

Erza was yelling at Rogue for getting me pregnant when we had been planning this for awhile and he was getting further and further out of the room when I yelled, "Get your butt over here!" and he darted towards me.

I eventually gave birth to a beautiful baby girl and the minute Juvia saw her, yelled, "I want one too!" before saying good-bye and dragging Gray out of the room. We all laughed and I whispered how weird our neighbour was.

Somehow Gray had managed to subdue Juvia because she only got pregnant about a year later. She remained the ever-obsessive and overly passionate neighbour and continued to talk about having thirty-three children with Gray, though I was never sure how they would financially (and mentally) be able to handle it.

I constantly think about my unusual neighbour as I bounce my darling Grace on my hip while Rogue tells me how he will break any boy who tries to touch his baby girl.

I love Gruvia! They are my OTP.
I came up with Tammy because I love Rogue so much that I came up with a partner for him!

I love your support guys, thank you so much!

Have a great day

Peace out

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⏰ Última atualização: Mar 26, 2017 ⏰

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