"Shh, where going to help you." Shadow spoke to comfort his sister, as he glanced at Rose.

"We could not... stop them!" Veronica chocked out.

"Veronica, please, I need you to hang in there." Shadow begged, Veronica's eyes had begun to close again.

"Rose,... where is Rose?" Veronica asked, her head rolling, as if she was actual trying to look around her.

"Am here, Veronica, am here." Rose spoke, edging forward and taking ahold of Veronica's blood soaked hand again.

Veronica strained her eyes searching for Rose. Rose leaned in closer, her face just inches away from Veronica's.

"Take him,... take Shadow... with you!" Veronica chocked out, barely a whisper. "Head over... the western... mountains. Baran,... Lex... and Fang... took Elaine... and Falcon... to safety." Veronica was finding it extremely hard to speak. "Zalborgar... made them... leave... before we... where... attacked. You have... to find... your son,... protect him." Veronica closed her eyes, the last of her energy seeping out of her. "Please,... watch over... my family."

With that Veronica fell silent, her body went limp, her last breath edged out of her silently.

"NO! Veronica, come back!" Shadow cried, pouring over his sisters deceased body, trying to shake her back awake.

It was to late and Rose had known that from the moment her eyes had fallen upon Veronica's broken blood stained body. Veronica spirit was gone, she had passed on from this realm, entering into the void. Tia stepped forward, as Rose stood back up, Shadow was still trying to awaken his sister. Rose could not believe, that see had just watched Veronica die! Veronica had just confirmed what they had all guessed, and she was right. Rose needed to leave, she needed to hunt Falcon down straight away! Her sons safety came above all else now.

Tia had stepped forward, placing a gently hand upon Rose's shoulder. "Take Shadow into the castle with the Dwarves, we do not want to be seen or even over heard." Rose glanced up at Tia, giving her a small nod, Rose knew Shadow's wails would draw attention. "I will collect Zalborgar's and Veronica's bodies, they should at least be buried properly before we depart."

Andel, Durel, Farnel, Vonyor and Balbof stepped forward, braking the Dwarves silent line behind them.

"We would like the honour in aiding you, Shape-shifter." Andel spoke up, speaking for himself and his companions who had stepped forward next to him.

Rose and Tia both turned to look upon the group of Dwarves, that had traveled back into the humans domain of the land. It was a surprise for the Dwarves to offer to be so helpful, especially the companions they had traveled back with. The Dwarves had kept to mostly to themselves, yet they where not afraid to voice their own concerns. Rose did not like the way the Dwarves refused to use Tia's and Shadow's names, instead just calling them by their race when ever they where spoken too. Rose gave the group of Dwarves a small nod of acceptance, before she turned back to Tia.

"Keep yourselves hidden and be careful, the enemy might not have shown themselves, but they still could be close. This silence and stillness, so soon after a major battle, it gives me the creeps. It is not right, it is not normal!" Rose spoke to Tia, keeping her voice low.

"I know what you mean, in the short time we where away, this place has changed." Tia spoke quietly, glancing back at Shadow, who had quieten down slightly. "I will sort this, you deal with Shadow and the Dwarves. If we are to leave this place, to find your son, then we must deal with the affairs before us and then leave as soon as we can."

Rose moved forward, hooking her arms through Shadow's and dragged him back to his feet and away from his sister. Shadow fought against Rose's hold at first, but he could not bring himself to hurt Rose either, so he allowed her to drag him away. Rose could feel his pain, Shadow had not just lost a sister, he had lost his twin. Rose could feel that missing piece, like a black hole that had been ripped open within Shadow's heart.

The Bearer (#Book1) The Divinity Dragon Chronicles (Unedited/Old Version)Where stories live. Discover now