New Home

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"Alexa Stone, meet your new parents." Ms. McLorine said, pushing her glasses back up to the bridge of her nose.
The lights were less bright, but that wasn't what surprised me. The two people that were in front of me was Tiffany (IHasCupquake) and Mario (RedB15).
"Oh my lord," I thought. I was speechless. My favorite youtuber of all times is with her husband, and they both want to adopt me!!
"Y-you're IHasCupquake & you're R-RedB15." I gasped, feeling really joyful.
"Yup! You watch our channels?" Tiffany asked, smiling.
"Yeah...." I continued. I hoped Ms. McLorine wasn't suspicious that I was able to watch YouTube, even though there was no 'electronic devices' here.
"How old are you," Mario asked, handing out his hand.
"Uh..12." I replied, shaking his hand. I couldn't believe it. Out of all the adoption centers/orphanage, they came to this one. And out of all the children they could've adopt, they chose me.
"Get your stuff Alexa, then say goodbye to your friends - or in your case, your only friend - and you can leave with them. I just need them to sign a few papers." Ms McLorine explained. She sounded more joyful, but it was probably because she had one less kid to take care of. I walked up the stairs into our room and saw Sam smiling at me.
"So, did you get adopted?" she asked.
"Yeah..and guess what. They're IHasCupQuake and RedB15!!!" I exclaimed.
"Cool, wait, are they those people that you always watch on youtube?"
"Uh yeah, something like that!!"
I was really excited. I mean really excited. I grabbed my suitcase and stuffed my clothes, toothbrush, and daily supplies I might need.
"Awww, that mean you're leaving this place for good?" Sam said, feeling down.
"Don't worry. I'll visit!!" I told her, trying to make her feel better. "But for now, at least I'm out of this hellhole."
She nodded and laughed. I gave her a hug and we said our 'goodbyes'. I walked down the stairs and saw Tiffany and Mario talking while Ms. McLorine was collecting the papers they signed.
"I'm done with you kiddo. You can leave with your new parent now," she whispered into my ear as she walked away. I shrugged and walked up to the 2 youtubers.
"Hi," I said. "I'm ready to go, I think."
"Do you want to stay a little longer? I can see you're kind of sad." Tiffany asked.
"No, it's okay. But thanks for asking." I replied politely.
"Okay well, follow me," Mario said a bit dramatically, walking out the entrance. Me and Tiffany followed him from behind. We walked up to the car and a felt my heart beating a bit faster. Cars sort of bring horrible memories, since my biological parents died in a crash car. I was with my aunt for a few days, but then she died because of a heart attack. I had a few relatives left, but none of them wanted to take me in. So I was transported to the 'Caretaker's Adoption Center'.
Mario wanted to drive, so that meant Tiffany sat in the back with me. I noticed that she kept staring at me. It felt really awkward and I couldn't just sit there and ignore it.
"What's wrong?" I asked. She looked at me and smiled sweetly.
"What happened?" she asked. At first, I had no idea what she was talking about, until I realized that she was pointing at the bruise that was on my face.
"Oh nothing, I tripped and hit my face on the floor," I lied, not wanting her to know the truth. She nodded uncertainly, not really believing me.
"We're here," Red sang, making us girls laugh. I grabbed my suitcase out the car door and looked up at the house. It was huge and gorgeous. I felt like this was a dream come true.
"Yay," I cheered, following them into the house. Tiffany turned on the lights and we sat on the couch.
"So, what am I suppose to call you guys?" I asked them. The question just came to my mind randomly, as I realized that I didn't know what to call them. They looked at me, then back at each other and nodded.
"Anything, but if you want, you could call and dad?" Mario replied, chuckling.
A/N: Thanks for reading the second chapter!! I'm still sort of a newbie at writing stories, but I hoped you enjoyed it so far!! If there are any mistakes, please so feel free to tell me. Anywayz Baiz!!

Adopted by IHasCupquake {YouTube Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now