“You’re so ready for me,” He mumbled, finally rolling over so he was in the top position. “God that turns me on.”

It felt like forever until I was as naked as he was, nothing was hurried or awkward as he explored every inch of me. It was like he pressed a button within the pit of my gut and the intensity of the pleasure had me practically sobbing for breath until the pressure found it’s release, my back instinctively arched and I couldn’t stop crying out his name.

“That’s it, come for me baby.” He urged and I dug my fingers into his shoulders, moaning once more. Desperate I pulled him closer, clinging to him as if life depended on it and as he fell to his back I was easily rolled on top of him. My heart was pounding in my chest, as I felt slightly dizzy, the high I was now riding on unlike anything I had ever felt before.

By instinct my hands roamed up and done every perfect inch of his body, kissing his chin, his neck, his chest. Moving down over his abs I slid along him until my hands found something new to cling to and I felt him stiffen in anticipation, the groan that came up from his chest giving me the signal I needed that I was doing it right. The more I stroked, the more his breathing increased while his hands reached into my hair, which was now free of it’s clip and falling over my shoulders. His message was clear as he guided me on, demanding I look at him. I found to be even more of a turn on and anxiously took him in my mouth.

Just don’t gag. You can do this!’ I repeated over and over, concentrating more than I should have, but his occasional hiss of pleasure and the way his body would rise and fall - told me I was doing it correctly.

“You need, to stop,” He muttered urgently, shifting to sit up. Confused and worried I did the same, unable to hide my frown. “Let me come with you”

Still confused I just sat there as he leant over me to the floor, groaning slightly as he strained to reach something and the crinkle of the packet told me what he meant. A new wave of desire and nerves had me taking his head in my hands; our bodies already hot and ready for each other it was then a shadow of doubt came over me.

As amazing and perfect as Beau was, it was still technically my first time and I still had the notion of doing it with someone special, that I loved.

I liked Beau.

I was attracted to him for sure, but love?

After the embarrassment of Kyle all those years ago I promised myself not to be in that situation again, not just ‘doing it’ because I could.

Distracted I failed to notice he was positioning himself between my legs I could feel just how ready he was. How much would I hate him or even myself in the morning if he did go? Could I let my first real time be a one-night stand, no matter the person?

“Beau, I…” I had to tell him, even if he hated me for being a tease. He sensed the change in my mood; leaning over me he rested his weight on his elbows, which were either side of me. His eyes searched mine for some kind of answer and while my body was willing to reject my minds hesitation, I had to do this.

“What’s wrong angel?” He gently moved my hair back from my face, so caring and gentle I regretted everything. I should just shut up, give myself over to what I knew would be one of the best experiences of my life, but there would always be that voice in the back of my mind and annoyingly – this one sounded like John.

“I need to tell you something.”

“Shit. You’ve got a boyfriend don’t you? Fuck!” He growled, resting his head on my chest he took a deep breath before looking at me, the passion slipping from his gaze. “Did you just want to fuck the rock star? Is that it?”

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