Chapter Two: Paving my way

Start from the beginning

I took the new picture to the Hokage and he approved of it and sent me off to the academy.

By now I was running a little late since I had to retake a photo and what not so I ran as fast as my little legs would take me dodging through the crowds of people ignoring any insults that came from them.

I finally made it to my classroom, I sweat dropped when I notice not everyone had arrived and I quickly sat down in my seat I didn't even notice mister emo was beside me until I realized all the fan girls were glaring at me.

I didn't give two flying fucks I sit where I want and I sent them all a bird.

"Hey Naruto you can only be here if you graduated." I was called out by one of my classmates and I glanced over at them.

"I did graduate can't you see my forehead protector?!" I stated standing up and pointing at my forehead protector.

"Hmph yeah right you probably stole that to make yourself feel better but we will see when Iruka-sensei calls you out." He smirked and my face went red in embarrassment. "Iruka-sensei passed me himself !" I snapped and sat back down ignoring him as he said some snappy comeback of how I was 'lying' and that I wasn't 'smart enough to pass' before leaving.

"Hey Naruto move your ass, gosh you act like you don't know I sit there." I glance over to see pink haired Sakura as she pushed me out of the way to sit beside me.

I turn to her about to say some really colorful words and let hell break loose cause she hurt me and stepped over me to sit beside porcupine haired Sasuke. I was seconds close to loosing all chances to get her to tell me the secrets of beautiful soft hair but Iruka sensei came in and demanded silence.

I took a deep breath and turned away from her as she ignored me completely.

"Listen class, you will be placed in squads of three and be assigned with a sensei so make sure you pay attention to the names and teams." Iruka stated looking around a bit before he started calling out names.

I was hoping I placed with Hinata since we were really good friends, I had already asked her for hair tips but apparently her hair was just naturally fabulous, damn that Hyuga hair.

"Team seven, Uzumaki Naruto, Haruno Sakura and Uchiha Sasuke." I heard Iruka sensei say I was okay with being in the same team as Sakura I could possibly befriend her but why was I stuck with porcupine. "Sensei, why does an awesome ninja like me have to be paired up with the likes of him!" I cried out as I stood up and pointed at Sasuke.

"Well Naruto since you were dead last we have to even out the groups power wise." Iruka replied with a tick mark floating on his head, my cheeks flushed a bright red at his response and I huffed playing off my embarrassment and sitting down, grumbling profanities under my breath.

"You heard him, dead last." Sasuke smirked making my cheeks flare red with anger. "Shut up teme!" I hissed and crossed my arms looking away.

That fucking Uchiha so cocky and arrogant! I'll show him someday, I know he's stronger than me because I'm a girl and all but I'll train extra hard and beat him up!

A few minutes after Iruka-sensei finished calling out names I stood up and sat with Hinata.

"Hey Hinata." I smile as I sat on the table looking down at her smiling widely.

"H-hey Naruto-chan." She smiled politely. "So how's training? They still working you half to death?" I asked starting a conversation.

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