Role of Men in women empowerment

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  In a world where gender inequality exists, we need to understand that we as humans comprise of both men and women who co-exist and are co-dependent.

Most of the inequality comes from the stereotyping of roles, duties and professions based on gender. And for women to wrench back the lost power and empower themselves, they will need a lot of support and understanding from men.

As a man, man cannot even imagine what an average woman goes through in terms of the turmoil faced by the gender discrimination that takes place on a daily basis. But man can understand and empathize with a few of the problems that they face.

And men will play a very important role in the empowerment of :

Understanding Inequality - The most important thing for men to do is to understand that a problem does exist and needs immediate rectification for stable world where gender is nothing more than a biological difference and not one which is seen as a barrier, obstacle or hindrance for any particular individual.

Communication - A few decades ago, women needed a voice, but now that they've got a voice, it's becoming clear that some men don't have ears! What we need is effective communication from both parties on the issues where women are ill-treated and addressing these issues with clear support from men to genuinely try and balance the scales of gender inequality.

Breaking down stereotypes - Some men tend to stereotype roles and duties based on gender. Concepts like women being bad drivers, incapable of long hours of physical work, not being too smart for science, not being too strong for sport - all these false perceptions have become imbibed in the minds of a few people, and for these to be systematically broken down we need the men who think in these terms to realize that gender in the present day and age does not differentiate people on the roles and duties that they can or cannot do.

Differentiating empowerment from misandry - A major concern with men who oppose women empowerment is the myth that empowering women would enslave men. When people talk about empowerment they're talking about giving equal rights to everyone and not removing the rights of one gender to empower the other! And this needs to be clearly explained to and be understood by men who think that empowerment means misandry.

Understanding Equality - Equality on the basis of gender is necessary not just for the growth of individual women but also for the long term growth and development of humanity. The balance is definitely tilted in favor of men as of now, but unless men share the power with women, all the gender issues, gender crimes, discrimination and other gaping problems cannot be solved.

Objectification of women, sexual harassment, rapes, lack of education, domestic violence, trafficking,  infanticide, occupational sexism, slavery (sexual and physical) are just few of the many problems which hinder the growth of not just womankind but all of humanity.

I am for equality, fairness and a balance of rights. And I want a world which does not judge people based on chromosomes!!!!!

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Happy Wattpadding !!! <3 :) :)

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