Rob rounds up on Harry as soon as he reaches his house. 

"What are you doing here, Rob?" Harry asks, annoyed. Rob had already driven Louis so away from him. What could he possibly want now?

"I saw you and Louis kiss at the party." Rob says, eerily calm.

"Wh-what? Everybody saw it. It was because of the stupid game." Harry says, trying to sound nonchalant. 

"Don't lie. I saw you two kissing before the game." Rob breathes as he corners Harry.

"W-what?" Harry gets the words out with difficulty.

"Yes, Harry. I know about you and your little boyfriend."

Harry doesn't say anything. Just stands there, his eyes nervously raking across Rob's face.

"Do you know why I came here though?" Rob says, backing up and reaching out to straighten Harry's jacket.

"Why?" Harry asks, fearing for the answer to be the one thing he's feared for so long: his secret to be out.

"To warn you against that boy. I saw him with Tom on Wednesday. They were kissing." Rob says with disgust clear on his face.

Harry's heart breaks at hearing this. But he knew better than to believe Rob. 

"You're lying." Harry grits out.

"No. Why would I? Ask Tom yourself." Rob says, jumping on his motorbike.

Harry speed dials Tom, feeling anxious. 

Louis wouldn't do that to Harry. He's not a cheater. Not like him. His father. 

" 'ello?" Tom's voice rings loud and clear in Harry's ear.

"Tom." Harry says in a shaky voice.

"Yes, is this Harry?" 

"Um, yes.. Tom, I uh.. I wanted to ask you something?"


"Did you kiss Louis?" Harry breathes out shakily.

"Um yeah, about that listen mate I didn't know-" Tom starts but Harry ends the phone call mid-sentence and throws the phone away. 

He can't believe this. Louis wasn't the type to cheat.. At least he didn't seem like it. Harry was changing wasn't he? He was becoming soft for Louis. So why couldn't Louis wait for him a bit longer?  But then again, maybe Harry was the kind of person who couldn't keep him nicely. Maybe that is why Louis felt the need to cheat? Maybe that is why Harry's dad left them? Harry wasn't enough to make him stay. . . Harry isn't enough to make anyone stay.

-Flashback over-

That was the only day Harry wept about Louis. That day Harry promised himself he would stay  away from Louis. And find someone else, to show him that he hadn't broken Harry. No. Harry wouldn't give that satisfaction to Louis. He should see that Harry is very happy without him. That drunk night incident was a huge mistake on Harry's part. Nothing like this will happen ever again. 

Harry sighs as his phone buzzes.

From Rob:  

Party at mine tonight. Up for it?

Harry wanted to scream out in frustration. Why wasn't he able to live his life like he had, before Louis? 

After replying to Rob and making up an excuse about why he couldn't go to the party, Harry laid back against his headboard and waited for Louis. Damn him, for making Harry worry. 

'Probably he is staying with Liam or something.' Harry tries to reason out. But his paranoid min doesn't let him rest.

As a result, Harry stays awake the whole night from being worried out of his mind. It's not like he could call Liam or Niall or even Zayn. Therefore the next day, Harry is too fucking tired and annoyed that  he doesn't bother checking up on Louis and heads to the school. His attendance has already been too short for him to be able to afford an absence for this month at least.

"Thank god it's the second last day of the month." Harry mutters to himself as he plonks down on the seat and listens to Mr. Horris blabber on and on.

The seat next to him was empty. Louis. . Louis was absent today? Wow, strange since he almost  never misses school? At least he didn't before that mystery trip..

Whatever it isn't Harry's business. Probably never was.

The rest of the day goes fast. And soon, Harry is back at their flat. Which is still empty. Wait what? 

"Why isn't Louis home yet?" Harry mutters out loud and makes the rash decision and calls up Zayn.

Surprisingly, Zayn picks up.

"What do you need Harry?" Zayn says, curtly.

"Where is Louis?" Harry asks rather impatiently

"That depends. Why are you asking?" 

"because he hasn't been home for a fucking day, Zayn! That bastard better be with you, or else I swear-" Harry bursts out.

"What?! Since when does Louis live with you?" Zayn asks warily. 

Harry sighs. So Louis didn't tell them about the arrangement. Great.

"It's a long story. Now tell me where is Louis?" Harry asks again, running a hand through his curls.

"I have time. But, wait. If Louis isn't at the flat then where is he?" Zayn says in a panicked voice.

"With Liam and Niall?" Harry says, hoping that at least they know where Louis is.

"Um H-Harry.."Zayn's voice actually shakes.

"Yes. What's it Zayn?" Harry asks now really terrified. Zayn doesn't get scared this easily.

"They are with me.. And Louis hasn't been here..." Zayn says, lightly.

"What?! Oh my god. Zayn, what do we do now?" Harry shouts into the phone.

"We? No. Its Liam, Niall and me who will find Louis.  You stay out of this. You've already done enough, Harry." Zayn sighs on the other end.

"The fuck? I am coming along. He lives with me. I  am his flatmate. So, either I am coming with you or I am going to find him alone." Harry seethes.

"Fine. We'll take you along. But once we find him, you have to stay away from him." Zayn compromises.

"Okay." Harry whispers, a sinking feeling settling somewhere in his chest.

'Where are you, Lou?' Harry thinks of all the possibilities as he and Zayn decide to meet up at the cafe they used to hang out before.

Taking his wallet and keys off the table Harry heads off to find Louis. 


So sorry for the delay loves! 

I am kinda busy with filling up forms for admission in colleges and stuff. 

I promise next update won't be this late.

How was it btw? Hope not one of the worst! 

[[Also, check out my new book (oops?) too, please :)

It's called "The Vampire Stalker".]]

All the love,

LarryHaveBabies x.

How To Break A Heartbreaker's Heart?• L.S. • *Completed*Where stories live. Discover now