But it doesn't stop Blake Mitchell from standing on her two feet, blurting out, ''What the fuck, Charlie?''

''Okay,'' Kim holds her hands out, pulling herself off of Blake's desk. ''Are you legit gonna get mad?''

Blake and Tristan arched their brows at her.

''Seriously, Kim?'' Tristan questions out of disbelief.

''He's in college, that's like fucking rape,'' Blake exclaims. She then turns back to Charlie was pulling back at natural curly locks behind her ear. ''Alright, and Alicia is like your sister. You don't go and just do that.''

''Oh,'' Kim scoffs, folding her arms against her chest. ''Because slut shaming her is exactly what she needs at the moment.''

Tristan's features twinge into bitterness. ''Slut shame? Man, don't go putting shit out of proportion.''

''Well, she's clearly shaming Charlie for sleeping with her sister's ex boyfriend'' Kim counters.

''Because that's my sister!''

''No,'' Charlie mumbles. ''Okay, Blake and Tristan are right. I shouldn't have even thought about doing it-''

''Don't apologize, Charlie'' Kim interrupts. ''It's your temple and if you felt you were ready, then that's your choice, not theirs.''

''What the fuck is wrong with you?'' Tristan exclaims, her arms being held out from her sides as she did so.

''The whole school is bullying her because of that video, she needs her best friends to support her!'' Kim yells.

By now, the group of four were now standing, yelling in each others faces while Charlie stood with a cloud of guilt glooming over her.

''You're giving her the wrong type of support, sweetheart,'' Blake sassed. She understands that Charlie is in a difficult position, but Kim nor anyone has a right for telling Blake that her reaction of anger was wrong.

''And your version of support is any better?'' Kim counters, causing Blake to shake her. ''Don't put this on me, I'm not the one that fucked my best friends sisters ex boyfriend.''

Tristan, Kim, and Charlie gasped while Blake reached a hand towards her lips, her fingertips lightly grazing her bottom lip.

''No, Charlie, I didn't mean for it to come out like that,'' Blake quickly tries to explain but she only shakes her head.

The room fell silent as Mr. Lopez entered the class with some of his students for the period following shortly after.

Blake, Tristan and Kim watched as Charlie grabbed her bag and made her way towards the back of the class.

Four classes later and it was then time for Lunch. But, jnstead of the usual group of four sitting in their regular spot, Tristan and Blake sat with Troye Mitchell and his group of friends while Kim and Charlie sat near the floor length widows.

''You know,'' Jason starts, plopping a fry into his mouth with a dip of ketchup on one of its ends. ''As much as I don't like you, Blake, get out.''

Blake and Tristan rolled their eyes at him and continued in their solemn silence.

''Why do you always end up with me whenever you get into a petty fight?'' Troye questions, his words laced with annoyance.

''Oh,'' Blake chuckled. ''This is not just an ordinary petty fight.''

Tristan looked up from her tray of food and looked at Troye with arched brows. ''You know that video of Charlie?''

''The black girl?'' Anthony reassures, having no choice but to be interested into the conversation.

Tristan nods. ''She was screwing Sam.''

Blake cringed at her brother who sharply inhaled on the red Gatorade liquid, violently choking on it.

''Alicia's, Sam?''

''No wonder he looked so familiar from behind,'' Steven's voice sounding as if in a daze.

Blake, Troye, Tristan along with the others, jerked their heads to the side to look at Steven who was dipping a long fry into his pile of ketchup.

He looked up to eat the French fry when he noticed everyone eyeing him.

''His hair, the dirty blonde and the way- Fuck you all,'' He mumbles, looking back down at his plate of food.

Troye knew he was low key gay, he just chose to say nothing because Steven hasn't. At least, not yet anyway.

''She's gonna be so pist when I tell her,'' Troye chuckles, gripping onto his burger that he had to customize since the lunch ladies were too lazy to do so.

''What?'' Blake smacked the burger out of her older brother's hand. ''You're not gonna tell her. None of you are.''

Jason shakes his head. ''Why not? I like Alicia when she's all fired up.''

''Remember that pre game two years back and Troye dragged Alicia onto the field because he didn't think she could beat him in football-''

''And then he tripped her in the mud before she could reach the touchdown,'' Jason laughs, finishing the memory Tristan was bringing up.

''She kicked your ass!''

Blake purses her lips and cocks a brow at them. ''Yeah, well, I don't want Charlie having an ass burn because she dragged her on gravel.''

Jason, Tristan and Anthony laughed even louder when Alicia continued the fight into the parking lot.

''How was I suppose to know she only had one pair of white Converse?'' Troye asks, shrugging his shoulders.

Blake furrows her brows at her brother. ''You were with us when she bought the shoes.''

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