Muskurane Ki Wajah Tum Ho...

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Khushi pondered if her family was the only narrow-minded family who considered rape victims as someone impure and tainted, as she received a warm welcome from every member of Raizada Family.

There was no fake sympathy in their eyes, which she truly hated to see. There was pride in their eyes, which she always wanted to see in someone's eyes due to her and unfortunately or fortunately it was not her family which showed pride in her actions as she always wished but people who were no more than  strangers.

But strangely, the affinity she felt in the Raizada Family was something which she was been missing throughout her life. Her past was full of conflict, conflict of thoughts, beliefs and opinions of hers and someone who biologically created her but were not her parents in the true sense.

" Khushi, if you are okay with it, ACP Singh wants to take your statement before we legally proceed as we got that b******. He is waiting down in the living room and there is absolutely no compulsion. If you don't want to meet, it is perfectly fine. He is my close friend, and I can manage it," Arnav's concern filled words were truly a balm to wounds inflicted on her soul. The assurance and the affection in his voice, was touched the untouched strings of her heart to play a completely alien rhythm.

" I will meet him. But thanks for the concern, Dr.." Khushi's statement was cut as Arnav spoke,

" Not Doctor, call me Arnav. After all, we are friends, aren't we?" Khushi weakly smiled on his comment while he guided her towards the sofa, with his arms around her shoulder, supporting her weak frame. Being a doctor, he knew that he shouldn't ask her to rest or treat her as a patient, knowing her nature and the case.

Arnav sat down after helping Khushi sit, while she whispered thanks in a meek tone, and Arnav smiled accepting it.

" Mr. Singh, I, on the behalf of AR Hospitals, confirm that it was an individual rape and we have the reports with us. I request the police to arrest the scumbag as soon as possible to ensure that the brave girl doesn't lose the trust she has in the judiciary of India and her mental strength," Arnav though was speaking formally had the soft tone which didn't go unnoticed by Khushi.

" Ma'am, do you identify this person as the..." Khushi cut the police officer before he could complete his statement.

" Yes, Sir. Free this earth from his burden, for he doesn't deserve to live," Khushi's eyes were filled with tears and realizing her inner turmoil, Arnav wrapped his arm around her in a assuring manner.

" Ma'am, you will not have to attend the court hearings as per the request of Mr.Raizada..."

" I will attend it. I want to see my culprit getting punished for his deeds and reaping the fruits of his ill deeds. Officer, thanks a lot for your help but I will attend it for myself."

Arnav and the officer were shocked to see Khushi's spirit. She was given a choice to not attend if and many would have grabbed it without a moment of thought and she was declining it? True mental strength, Arnav thought while smiling at her composure.

" As you wish, Ma'am. Sir, I take your leave now. I will update you on the date and time of the court hearing," ACP Singh walked out of the scene after shaking hands formally with Arnav and Khushi.

" I am proud of you, Khushi. I hope every girl gets this mental strength from you." Arnav's smile was contagious and there was some energy in it which spread positivity along with it, according to Khushi, who always took strength from his warm and affectionate smiles.

" And I hope every patient gets a doctor as kind and as understanding as you, Arnav." Admiration gleamed in her eyes as she eyed Arnav, respectfully and adoringly. There was undeniable attraction in between both of them but it was not attraction of bodies, but attraction of souls and attraction of minds, which paved the way for immense respect and maybe immense love, which they had unknowingly fallen into.


The Next Day,

" Come Khushi, let us go out for shopping. Even you must be bored sitting inside. I am sure you need lungs full of Delhi's polluted air and ears full of honking sounds." Anjali laughed along with Khushi, who had developed a great bond with Anjali due to the former's friendly and social nature.

" But Anjali, I already owe you all so much for letting me stay here and treating me like a princess and I don't even know how to pay it back. You go for shopping, I can manage with the dresses you gave. They are actually more than enough." Khushi held Anjali's hands in between her own, and spoke thoughtfully while her eyes showed a glint of loneliness which neither Anjali nor Arnav wanted to see in her eyes.

" Chalo, you don't approve me as your friend and this is all due to that. Or else which friend speaks of all these? You still don't consider me as your friend." Anjali acted as if she was angry with Khushi, and Khushi felt bad that she had hurt Anjali.

" Arre, nothing like that but how can I take so many favors from you? And yeah, I don't consider you as my friend. Because you are the only family I have right now, Anjali. Never say that," Khushi cupped Anjali's cheek affectionately while Anjali stopped acting as if she was angry because it dawned upon her that she was taking it seriously.

" Then which favor are you talking about? There are no favors in families, Khushi. And whatever we are doing is from our heart, don't name it as a favor," Arnav joined into the conversation with his warm comment while Anjali side hugged huim and complained,

" Completely agreed. See Khushi, even Bhai says it. Stop making us feel as if we are strangers. And the next time you say something like this, I will stop speaking to you."

" Achcha Baba, sorry. I will not repeat it. And you won," Khushi giggled while Arnav and Anjali joined in. But Arnav quickly got serious and spoke,

" Khushi, tomorrow is the court hearing."


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