Texting Again

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BooperDooper: Mark where are you

BooperDooper: I miss you

BooperDooper changed their name to IMUM

IMUM: It means I miss you Mark

IMUM: Please wake up. You always do wake up before me

IMUM: I still have the bracelet you got me

IMUM changed their name to Jack
(Sorry I got annoyed typing IMUM all the time)

Jack: And the bear

Jack: And the pug

Jack: I keep all of them in a very special place. My desk where I put my love things on. I set them up neatly. You would love it

Jack: Please wake up soon. For me Mark

Jack: I love you

And we're back with a new book and a new beginning.

Is anyone up for a little game? Of so tell me. There would probably be a lot of prizes involving people to be in the chapters since its about Jack's adventure.

Anyways, I hope you guys will enjoy the book and I'll see you, in the next chapter.

Quick pic of Septiplier!

Texting Mark [Septiplier Sequel]Where stories live. Discover now